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Expert-led live classes, bringing quality education to your doorstep, eliminating the need for external coaching.
Personalize your studies by selecting and exploring specific topics,chapters and subjects whenever you want.
Set your goal and study on your available days with our personalized course designed exclusively for you.
Enhance your exam preparation with unlimited questions of various types and their detailed solutions.
Immerse yourself in 3D video lessons, games, and personalized feedback for a dynamic learning experience.
Accelerate your JEE deams with expert guidance and personalised mentoring.
Excel beyond expectations with interactive live classes and personalized mentoring for JEE & NEET.
Realise your medical aspirations with a comprehensive, customised, and rigorous approach to exam preparation.
Founded in 2007, Extramarks is a new-age education technology company committed to revolutionizing the way students learn and teachers teach using cutting-edge solutions. Our AI-based digital learning tools cover all subjects across boards and follow a curriculum-based approach. Join us today and experience the power of total learning in the digital age with Extramarks.
Our awards and recognition prove our excellence in the field of online learning
and our brand loyalty
Extramarks Education, a global provider of 360-degree learning and teaching solutions has bagged the “Best EdTech Company of the Year" award at the Education Innovation Awards.
Awarded for high-quality Secondary and Higher Education Learning Resources, safe products appropriate to every day teaching and learning needs.
Global Educator Fest was organized around sustainable education that prioritizes creativity over conformity Extramarks was adjudged as Best K - 12 Learning App IIT- JEE & NEET prep.