NCERT Solutions Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics
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NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I
Students can access NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I and solve them for practice. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I help students self-assess their progress in class and prepare for exams based on knowledge gaps. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I provide students with complete solutions along with rational explanations for the entire chapter. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I covers all class textbook problems across subjects such as History, Geography, Political Science, and Economics.
Quick Links
ToggleNCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I solutions help students optimally prepare for their exams. Students are more likely to do well if they practise these solutions regularly. Students can access PDF versions of NCERT solutions for each subject, including History, Geography, Political Science, and Economics.
NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science
Social science is the study of activities in the physical and social environment. It is basically the study of human relationships, or the scientific study of human society. It deals with the relationships, behaviours, developments, resources people use and the different types of organizations people have to manage in daily lives, such as work, school, etc. school, family and government. Learning is very important. It helps us to acquire knowledge about the society in which we live. In general, social science focuses on the relationships between individuals in society. It blends many subjects such as history, geography, political science, economics, sociology, and social psychology. The main definition of the social sciences is: “The subjects of the social sciences are those that describe and study people.” Social science is the study of society. The main purpose of social studies is to help students develop the ability to make sound decisions. It increases society’s consideration for students. All the solutions of NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I can be downloaded from the website of Extramarks.
Chapters Of Political Science In Class 9
NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I is available on the Extramarks website. All questions in NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I are explained in detail by experienced Social Science teachers following NCERT or CBSE guidelines.NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I has 100% accurate answers for each question. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I are provided to make learning on Extramarks simple and easy. Subjects such as Science, Mathematics, English, Hindi and Social Sciences are easier to learn when students have access to NCERT solutions for all subjects. The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I also helps students do well in exams and revise their entire curriculum.
Subjects such as Science, Mathematics, English, Hindi, and Social Studies are easy to learn with access to NCERT Class 9 Science Solutions, Mathematics Solutions, and other subject solutions. Students can also download the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I to revise the entire course and score more on their exams.
NCERT Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I Chapter Wise Solutions
Importance of Extramarks’s NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I
Extramarks’s NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I will benefit students taking the CBSE board exam and other competitive exams. A good knowledge of the textbook syllabus is essential and necessary for good grades in this subject. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I play an important role in building a strong foundation for students on the CBSE Board. For student convenience, Extramarks allows students to download the PDF for free without any hassle.
NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I at the website of Extramarks provides NCERT solutions to help students develop their understanding of textbook questions. Extramarks instructors have years of experience in their respective disciplines. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I solutions are formatted according to the latest CBSE guidelines. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I are also explained step-by-step, so students have a clear idea. Not only can students download the PDF of NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I , students can also print out the study material. In this way, the Extramarks NCERT solution of NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I is available both online and offline, making learning at home convenient.
Introduction To Democracy
With the help of these NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I , students can learn subject concepts quickly. Students should regularly solve and practise these NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I questions from NCERT textbook in Class 9 Social Sciences. These NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I are written for textbook questions according to the updated NCERT syllabus. However, students are encouraged to solve these NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I solutions themselves before checking the answers.
NCERT Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I Chapter Wise Solutions
Chapter 1: What is democracy? Why Democracy? After reading this chapter, students will be able to distinguish between democratic and non-democratic governments. It also introduces the broader concept of democracy. It has 10 questions in total, all of which are written questions. This makes it easier for students to remember these answers. On the exam, questions from this chapter can be scored for 1 or 2 points.
Class 9 Political Science Topics Chapter 1 What is Democracy? Why Democracy?:
What is democracy? Characteristics of democracy
Why democracy? Broader meaning of democracy
Chapter 2: Draft Constitution
This chapter has provided an overview of how the Constitution of India was drafted and why it was necessary to draft one. Finally, students find questions related to this topic. There are 10 questions in total, and experts provide answers to all questions in the solution PDF.
Topics for Class 9 Political Science Chapter 2 Constitution Drafting:
Democratic Constitution of South Africa
Why do we need a constitution? Constitution of India
Values Guiding the Indian Constitution
Chapter 3: Electoral Politics
Through this chapter, students will learn about the electoral process in India and delve deep into each stage of the election. There are 11 exercises in total, 2 truth-based, 1 agreement-based, and the rest short. By looking at the answer, students can easily understand.
Class 9 Political Science Topics Chapter 3 Electoral Politics:
Why election? What is our voting system? What makes Indian elections democratic?
Chapter 4: How institutions work
In this chapter, students will learn how the government works in India. Students can also understand the types of institutions that run in democratic governments. Answers to all 10 questions in the exercise can be found in the NCERT Solution Class 9 Social and Political Science.
Class 9 Political Science Chapter 4 Topics How the system works:
How are the most important political decisions made?
Chapter 5: Democratic Rights
The final chapter of Class 9 Civics has a total of 10 questions. As the students go through the answers, they will notice that the answers are not too long. Extramarks provide answers to all questions, but students are free to write their own answers.
Topics covered in Class 9 Political Science Chapter 5 Democratic Rights:
life without rights
rights in democracy
Rights in Indian Constitution
Expansion of rights
In addition to NCERT’s solutions or NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I, students also have other preparation materials available at Extramarks. For example, CBSE sample papers, syllabus, study notes, and CBSE questions required for all classes can be prepared more efficiently. Keep learning and stay tuned for updates on the CBSE and other competitive exams. Students can access other relevant learning materials from NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I using the links provided on Extramarks website.
Constitutional Design
Chapter 2 of the NCERT Class 9 Social Science Civic Textbook – Democracy-I covers the basics of the Indian Constitution. How the Constitution was born and what it means. Students will learn how the Constitution of India is crucial to democracy and how it unites us all. This chapter also contains a detailed description of the South African Constitution.
Additionally, students will learn about the following topics:
- Democratic Constitution of South Africa
Towards a new constitution
- Why do people need a constitution?
- Establishment of Indian Constitution
Road to constitution
Constituent Assembly
- Values Guiding the Indian Constitution
Dreams and Promises
Philosophy of the Constitution
Institutional design
NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I is an essential book for Class 9 Social Sciences. Separate from this chapter, Students can find the complete set of NCERT solutions for Class 9 Social Sciences in the linked article. Students can download THE solution in PDF format from the website of Extramarks.
Electoral Politics
Why do people need elections? Elections are the means or mechanisms in place in many countries for people to elect their representatives. Elections are held in over 100 countries around the world. Elections are the regular election of members of parliament. This choice is necessary because:
Citizens of this country can make important decisions and independently choose who should shape their future. To maintain a peaceful environment in the country by developing and enforcing good policies and laws. It ensures that no government is elected indefinitely. It helps the country’s citizens to participate in the improvement of their country.
What Makes Elections Democratic? The minimum requirements for democratic elections are:
Everyone should be able to vote equally. Political parties and their candidates must offer voters real choice and contest elections. Elections should be regularly held. This means that elections should be held every few years. Students should only choose what the people of that country like. Elections must be held free and fair, putting the will of the people first.
Is it good to have political competition? Yes, political competition is good for the following reasons.
Elections are meaningless without competition among multiple candidates. Political leaders are motivated by the desire to do something for their political country. It provides incentives for political leaders and their political parties.
What is meant by the voting system? Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha (parliament) elections are held regularly every five years. The term of office of elected representatives expires in five years. Elections, called general elections, will be held in all constituencies within a few days.
Constituency –
The country is divided into different regions for conducting elections, called electoral districts. Voters elect representatives who live in the area. The country is divided into 543 constituencies for the seats of Lok Sabha.
The elected representatives from each constituency are known as Members of Parliament (MPs). Each state is divided into a certain number of electoral districts, whose elected representatives are known as members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA). Each town or village is divided into a number of districts, like electoral districts. Each community elects one village member.
Reserved constituencies –
Constituents created a special system of electoral districts reserved for the rear section. Lok Sabha has 84 seats reserved for Scheduled Castes and 47 seats for Scheduled Tribes. Other lower classes and women’s seats in various states and rural and urban areas.
Electoral Roll –
A list of people eligible to vote in democratic elections is created. This list is called the electoral roll, commonly known as the electoral roll. Citizens who attain the age of 18 get the right to vote. Everyone can vote regardless of religion, caste or gender.
Candidate nomination –
A citizen wishing to run for office must be 25 years of age or older and 18 years of age or older to vote. There are restrictions if someone has a criminal record, but they do apply in very extreme cases. A person who receives a party nomination is called the party’s “ticket.” A Supreme Court order requires each candidate to make a legal statement with the following details:
(Me). Serious Lawsuits Pending Against Candidates. (ii). Details of assets and liabilities of candidates and their families
(iii). Educational Qualifications. Election campaign –
Run candidate awareness campaigns to get a better understanding of what candidates think and what they promise to represent. Candidates come into contact with voters during campaigns. Political parties place advertisements in the media and newspapers to promote their candidates. The campaign lasts for more than two weeks. Political parties try in every possible way to attract the public by drawing attention to some issues of society. According to election law, a candidate or political party cannot:
Bribe or attempt to intimidate voters. Get voters on behalf of religion or caste. Use of State Funds for Election Campaigns. Use of places of worship. Some of the most popular slogans used by political parties are:
Garibi Hatao (Eliminate Poverty). save democracy. etc
Voting and counting votes –
The day on which voters cast their ballots is called Election Day. Voters whose names appear on the voter roll go to a nearby “voting booth” where polling station officials identify them and mark their fingers before casting their ballot. Previously, a voting system was used in which the names of the candidates and their political parties were written on paper. Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) are currently used to record votes. This machine displays the candidate’s name and party symbol. Why Indian elections democratic
- a) IndependentElectoral Commission
In India, elections are conducted by an independent Electoral Commission (EC), which has its own Chairman of the Electoral Commission (CEC) appointed by the President. The EC can make decisions about the conduct and administration of elections, from the announcement of elections to the announcement of results. Enforce the Code of Conduct and penalize any party or candidate who violates it. The EC mandates governments to issue policies to prevent abuses of government power. On Election Day, officials will work under the control of the EC.
- b) General Participation –
Public participation teaches that elections are free and fair. In India, more illiterate, disadvantaged and low-income people vote than wealthy people. Voter interest in elections has increased significantly in recent years.
- c) Challenging Free and Fair Elections –
Overall, Indian elections are virtually free and fair. Few candidates could win on money and power alone. There may be no guarantee that the billionaire candidate will win. In some parts of the country, candidates with criminal ties sideline other desirable candidates in an attempt to secure tickets, which are distributed to relatives and friends of the family.
Importance Of NCERT Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics Solutions
NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I and with all the study material available for a particular subject, it is very important for students to familiarize with the right knowledge when it comes to the exam perspective. This course has four areas: History, Geography, Civics, and Economics, and provides a clear idea of historical events, geographic changes in the world, political significance, and economic changes that occur in everyday life. Forming an accurate picture of a topic is a difficult task, and students may find it difficult to find an accurate answer. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I give students a good idea of the concepts explained in each chapter. It will help students learn it effectively and do well in their annual exams. In the table given, students can access the social science chapter wise solutions.
Significance Of NCERT Solutions Provided by Extramarks
Class 9 is a critical stage for students as it lays the foundation for the core concepts important to the exam. In a subject like History, students couldn’t leave out all the important events in their textbooks. To help students effectively learn all the concepts, Extramarks teachers systematically developed the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I. Solutions of NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I are curated with the goal of building student confidence without fear of facing exams. Here, chapter-by-chapter answers are provided in PDF format, making it easy for students to answer textbook questions.
NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I is an important subject which is an essential part of future learning. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I contains more solved problems and everyday examples to help students study the subject effectively.
Key Features of the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I
NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I provides detailed explanations for all complex subjects.NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I provides fully resolved solutions to all questions contained in the Class 9 Political Science NCERT textbooks.NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I solutions include some key questions at the end of each chapter
CBSE Class 9 Study Materials
The language used in NCERT Solutions For Democratic Politics Class 9 is simple and easy for students to understand. All of these NCERT Democratic Politics Class 9 are prepared by subject matter experts after extensive research on each topic to provide students with relevant and reliable information.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. What is Democracy Class 9 Questions and Answers?
In a democracy, people have the right to vote and to choose their government. People in democracies have the right to participate in public services. These rights ensure the protection of minorities in order to free them from the oppression of the majority. To deepen the knowledge and prepare for the Class 9 Social Science exam, they can refer to Extramarks.
2. Where can students download the NCERT solution for Class 9 Social Sciences Chapter 6?
To download Chapter 6 of Extramarks’s NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Sciences students can visit Extramarks. Subject matter experts design these solutions according to the CBSE curriculum. These solutions enable the student to get a perfect score in Class 9 Social Science exam. Students can also refer to other learning materials such as revision notes and key questions available in the Extramarks app.