NCERT Solutions Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi
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As it is known, everything is made up of matter. Just like non-living things have atoms as building blocks, living organisms also have a building block. However, the building blocks in living organisms are not always tiny like the atom. The explanation and answers to the topic are included in the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi which are accessible on the Extramarks website. The building blocks of living organisms are called biomolecules. They vary in shape and size. The biomolecules are important to a living organism because they are responsible for its development through cell divisions and metamorphosis.
In addition to tiny molecules like primary metabolites, secondary metabolites, and natural products, biomolecules contain massive macromolecules (or polyanions) including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. This information is in the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi which can be accessed on the Extramarks website.
These materials are known as Biological Minerals. Biomolecules are frequently endogenous, created by the organism itself, but for most organisms to thrive, external biomolecules, such as certain nutrients, are required. The topic is diversified and there are many branches of study of the topic. The topic is generally studied in the medical field. Biochemistry is another branch of the topic. People who are involved with the production of medicine study this topic in greater detail. The introduction to the topic is essential for students to learn it from the basics. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi has the information that provides an introduction to the questions in the topic in Hindi medium. They can be found on the Extramarks website. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi not only give students solutions but also help them understand theBiochemistry and molecular biology are two branches of Biology that investigate biomolecules and their reactions. Only four elements—oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen—make up 96% of the mass of the human body, and the majority of biomolecules are organic compounds. Several additional substances, including different biometals, are also there in trace concentrations. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi elucidate the topic of Biomolecules in detail. These answers can be easily accessed on the Extramarks website. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi contain streamlined solutions for the topic. It is advisable to follow the Information in the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi.
These biomolecules and metabolic pathways are known as “biochemical universals” or “the theory of material unity of the living beings,” which is a unifying concept in Biology along with cell theory and evolution theory. These biomolecules and metabolic pathways are uniform among specific types of biomolecules and certain metabolic pathways because they are invariant features among the wide diversity of life forms.
It is advisable that the students refer to the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi provide information as per the syllabus.
The students must be aware that Biology as a subject is introduced in and around Class 6. The NCERT Solution is designed in a way that prepares students for the subject in lower classes. The medium in which the students’ study is developed begins at the beginning of a student’s life. The NCERT Solutions Class 1, NCERT Solutions Class 2, NCERT Solutions Class 3, NCERT Solutions Class 4 and NCERT Solutions Class 5 provide guidance to students to develop and obtain the capabilities to understand the subjects like Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics which are introduced to them in the higher classes. The NCERT Solutions Class 6, NCERT Solutions Class 7, NCERT Solutions Class 8, NCERT Solutions Class 9 and NCERT Solutions Class 10, provide assistance to the students in understanding the topics that are introduced to them and preparing themselves for the first board examinations of their lives. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi study material has been prepared for Class 11 Biology.
NCERT Solutions Class 11 and NCERT Solutions Class 12 help students learn the subjects further and get themselves ready for the second board examination and to cross over to the university level.
Header 2 – NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 Biomolecules in Hindi PDF Download
The solutions for the topic of Biomolecules in Biology Chapter 9 for Class 11 are available in the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi in the form of a PDF file, which can be downloaded by the students for accessing the study material whenever necessary. It also includes explanations, clarifications, and frequently asked questions. A questionnaire is also available, which will help the students enhance their understanding of the topic. The PDF file that can be downloaded is of great help, as the student can access it multiple times even without an internet connection. The student gets the advantage of time, as there is no limit to the time the student is required to understand and clarify doubts on the topic. The student gets the benefit of not only studying and understanding the topic, but also revisiting it later if required as reference to a further topic. It should be mentioned that the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi are prepared with the students of Class 11 in mind. The information discussed here is meant for reading purposes only. The prescribed syllabus is available and followed in NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi.Header 2 – Access NCERT Solutions for Class XI Biology Chapter 9 – जैव अणु
Generally, in everyday life, the Hindi word जैव अणु (Jeev Anu) is referred to as the cause of disease. However, the real meaning of the word is Biomolecules. It is a known fact that all living organisms are made up of jeevanu. This is not only confined to micro- or lower-level living organisms but also for higher and more complex organisms like bacteria and elephants, including humans. As mentioned above, biomolecules have a lot of diversification.
In simple words, there are many types of Biomolecules. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi gives a detailed explanation of the types and kinds of Biomolecules. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi provides study material which is according to the syllabus prescribed by NCERT.
Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids are the types of Biomolecules that exist. The information provided here is for reading purposes only. It may not be according to the syllabus prescribed by NCERT. NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi provides information about the topic according to the syllabus.
As part of the definition of biomolecules, it’s crucial to understand that the main categories of biomolecules are essentially polymers of fundamental components. For instance, proteins are built from amino acids.
Nitrogen, sugar, and phosphate for nucleic acids. Lipids are made of fatty acids and glycerol. For carbs, simple sugar. Additionally, some biomolecules may be coupled to create speciality molecules. For instance, lipid and carbohydrate are found in glycolipids, while protein and lipid are found in lipoproteins. The details of biomolecules have been included in the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi, which is accessible on the Extramarks website. Please note that the topic being discussed is a bit elaborate. NCERT has laid down guidelines for study material that should be provided to each class. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi have been designed keeping in mind the students of Class 11.
Students who are interested in becoming Doctors and Surgeons or Pharmaceutical Scientists need to understand the topic in detail, as this will help them approach many complex studies about the classifications of Biomolecules. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi provides the required information to students. This can be accessed on the Extramarks website.
The classification of biomolecules should also include the mention of minor biomolecules such as natural products, as well as primary and secondary metabolites, in addition to major Biomolecules like carbohydrates, protein, fat, and nucleic acids.
Students who want to get a detailed introduction to Biomolecules are advised to access NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi. It is accessible on the Extramarks website. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi has the required information about the classification of Biomolecules according to the syllabus
Protein makes up around 15% of each cell’s protoplasm, or “living” part. Every protein molecule contains, on average, between 50 and 55 percent carbon, 20 to 24 percent oxygen, 16 to 17 percent nitrogen, 7 to 7 percent hydrogen, 0.3 to 0.5 percent sulphur, and traces of phosphorus, iron, calcium, iodine, and copper. Different biomolecule architectures are found in various kinds of proteins. The difference in amino acids, which are the chemical substances that come together to create protein molecules, is to blame for this. Once more, a series of peptides creates distinctive peptide connections. Peptides come in a variety of forms, including polypeptide, tripeptide, and dipeptide. The composition, structure, and functions of proteins are used to classify them. Proteins, for instance, can be categorised into simple and conjugated proteins basedon their component parts. Proteins are divided into two groups based on their shapes: Scleroprotein/Fibrous Protein and Globular Protein.
The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi, available on the Extramarks website, provides examples and explanations of Biomolecules. Students can assess it for clarification. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi also contains questions that are relevant to the syllabus. It is advisable to practise the questions which has been provided in NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi
. They come under the Nucleic Acids classification. These biomolecules come in a variety of sizes, depending on the organism. Nucleotides are used to make them. Guanine, Thymine, Adenine, or Cytosine can be found as bases in any of these molecules, together with starch and phosphate. The characteristics, functions, structures, and even the locations of nucleic acids inside the cell differ. DNA and RNA are two examples of the many nucleic acids. DNA, also known as deoxyribonucleic acid, is a crucial biological molecule that exists in living cells. Any cell’s genetic material is preserved in storage as DNA. Pentose sugar and ribose are both polymers that make up ribonucleic acid, or RNA. For the majority of organisms, DNA and RNA collaborate.
The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi gives information about biomolecular structures. It is accessible on the Extramarks website. The Extramarks website is a fabulous tool for the students because it teaches, explains, provides questionnaires, and also tracks the progress of the students using it.
The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi explains the Topic along with Subtopics. This is accessible on the Extramarks website.
Carbohydrates consist of a mixture of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They are also known as saccharides since sugar is the most essential component of practically all forms of carbohydrates (as in Greek, Sakcharon refers to sugar). Carbohydrates are mostly produced by photosynthesis. A plant’s body is made up mostly of carbohydrates, which account for around 80% of its dry weight. Starches from plants and animals, sugar, cellulose, and glycogen are a few examples of carbs. Additionally, there are four different categories of carbohydrates. Polyhydroxy ketones and polyhydroxy aldehydes that do not decompose into smaller carbohydrate units are known as monosaccharides. Examples include fructose, arabinose, mannose, ribose, glucose, and others of a similar kind. Trisaccharides: When they are hydrolysed, three molecules of monosaccharide are produced. For illustration, raffinose (C18H32O16). Oligosaccharides: These carbohydrates may be hydrolysed to produce 2–9 monosaccharide molecules. Polysaccharides: These molecules have a larger molecular weight and, following hydrolysis, can be divided into a number of monosaccharide modules. As an illustration, cellulose and starch both have the chemical formula (C6H10O5)n.
Since the breakdown of the Topic of Biomolecules is being discussed, the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi has the explanations to the textbook questions. This can be accessed on the Extramarks websites. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi according to the NCERT syllabus.
Lipids are essentially fatty acids and alcohol esters. Simple lipids, complex lipids, and derived lipids are the three main types of lipids. Esters of glycerol and fatty acids are simple lipids. They may be further classified into two groups: Fatty Acids, which come in two different varieties, and Fats and oils. Third Waxes with Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids are among them. Alcohol and fatty acids are two more components of compound lipids. Phospholipids, Chromolipids, Glycolipids, and Amino lipids are some of the subtypes. derived lipids are lipids that have been Hydrolysed from compound or simple lipids.
Please keep in mind that the prescribed study material and the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi can be accessed on the Extramarks website.
The topic discussed above is just the tip of the iceberg. The study of Biomolecules is a vast subject. However, the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi contains the exact information which has been designed by NCERT for Class 11. If too much information is provided at a time. The students will be confused, which might lead to avoidance of the topic. Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 in Hindi provides information and discusses it in detail, which is specifically designed for Class 11. It is advisable to concentrate on the study material that has been provided by NCERT Biology Class 11.
Header 2 – NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 Biomolecules in Hindi
Since the topic of Biomolecules is being discussed, students might want to know how the topic is used in real life scenarios. Biomolecules are a very important part of organic life, as they are responsible for its existence. It comprises living organisms, from low level living organisms like ameba to living organisms like mammals (of which humans are a part ), reptiles, crustaceans,fish,h etc. It constitutes literally all living organisms. Therefore, Biomolecules are of different shapes,sizes, and characteristics. It is found that Biomolecules of one group can pose a threat to that of the other. There are certain types of good as well as bad bacteria. They are necessary for human survival, while others are dangerous because they cause sickness in humans. A very simple example can be taken into consideration if a human comes in contact with a particular type of bacteria which may not be good for the human body. These bacteria can cause major sickness, it may also cause various allergic reactions which can be life-threatening. It is advisable to adhere to the syllabus provided by the NCERT. The Class 11 Biology NCERT solutions Chapter 9 in Hindi is designed to guide the students to concentrate on the study material required for them. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi provides the prescribed study material to the students for their understanding.
For instance, a tiny molecule or macromolecule is an organic substance with a low molecular weight in the domains of molecular biology and pharmacology. This might control or affect a biological process.
Although their component monomers like amino acids, ribo- or deoxyribonucleotides, and monosaccharides, etc., are frequently regarded as tiny molecules, larger structures like nucleic acids, proteins, and many polysaccharides are not small molecules. Small molecules can be employed as research tools to examine biological processes and as a source of inspiration for the creation of novel therapeutics. Some can stop a protein from performing a certain function or interfere with protein-protein interactions. The prescribed information about the topic is available in the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi which can be accessed on the Extramarks site.
Vitamins are organic molecules that are helpful in repairing, maintaining, and promoting growth in a living organism. They are applied in small quantities to function properly and help enhance the mechanisms of the living organism. Vitamins are essential for living organisms. Its growth from a cellular to a multicellular living organism is dependent on it. Once a living organism is fully grown and has reached its full potential, vitamins are responsible for maintaining and repairing the body of the living organism. It is also responsible for the proper functioning of the organism. Required information about the topic has been provided in NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi.
It is advisable that the students consider the information shared here for their forn good. For the time being, they must concentrate on the prescribed syllabus, which is available in the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi. Students can access it on the Extramarks website whenever required. Please note that the topic being discussed here is for reading purposes only. This is not study material. It has been put up to develop an interest in the minds of the students. The NCERT prescribed syllabus is followed throughout while curating the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi. Explanations, FAQs, and Exercises are included in the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi for students’ benefit. A family of signalling molecules known as hormones is delivered from distant organs in multicellular animals to control physiology and behavior. The proper growth of fungi, plants, and animals depends on hormones. To break up the topic in simple language, it mentions that a type of biomolecule is made in a certain organ of a complex organism. This occurs in multicellular organisms, like animals. This type of biomolecule is a signalling molecule. They influence and control the behaviour of the organism. For example, the emotional feelings that are present in humans and animals. The students must make a note that not only humans have feelings, but animals have them too. Feelings of happiness, sadness, anxiety, love, hatred, ;, and excitement are examples of feelings, however, they are triggered by signalling molecules. These hormones are also responsible for growth and the determination of sex in living organisms, that is, the male and female of any particular living organism are determined by hormones during the time of its development from a single cell to a multicellular complex organism. Please note that the discussion whithat being done here is notnot part ofe syllabus. The topic has been made available in NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi as per syllabus. The NCERT prescribed part of the topic which has been designed for Class 11 needs certain level explanations which is available in NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi. The FAQ to the Chapter 9 of Biology has also been integrated in the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi. The students will get the opportunity to clarify doubts which might arise after studying the Chapter. Questions have been designed according to the study material. NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi provides all the necessary information. Apart from animals, plants also have hormones that affect their growth. It is found that some plants of a particular species grow to be big and strong, while other plants of the same species are feeble and weak. The level of hormones produced in plants determines their condition. There is another branch of this topic known as genetic studies. It deals with the DNA and RNA of a living organism. DNA and RNA are also biomolecules. Detailed explanations are available in NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi.
The above discussed methods are for generating the interest of the students. It is advisable that the students access the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi available on the Extramarks website to obtain the study material prescribed for Class 11 on the topic of Biomolecules.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Explain the importance of Biomolecules?
Since Biomolecules are a part of living organisms. They are important as they are responsible for the growth and development of living organisms. They are present in all living organisms, from Amoeba to complex living organisms. So, the study of Biomolecules enables a student to understand the characteristics of certain Biomolecules groups and enhance their understanding and knowledge about the use and danger it might cause.
The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi provides a detailed introduction on Biomolecules to enable students to thoroughly understand the topic.
2. How does the use of Biomolecules influence daily life?
Biomolecules that are present in a certain type of lifeform might not be compatible with the ones that are in other lifeforms. They might pose a danger to each other. The study of biomolecules enhances students’ understanding of the topic. Such students might proceed to become professionals in the medical fields and become Doctors and Pharmaceutical Scientists or Researchers and find cures to new diseases that might develop in living organisms, especially humans.
However, becoming a Doctor or a Pharmaceutical Scientist needs years of study and practice. A small step towards that goal can be achieved by accessing the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi, which is present on the Extramarks website. The information provided above is meant to let the students know about Biomolecules. The prescribed study material is in NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi.
3. What are the applications of Biomolecules ?
The products of Biomolecules are vast. However, there are specialists who do the work for people and share the information with other professionals who work on the same topic. The results of the research are used to produce medicines and other products to protect humans from diseases, cure humans who have already been infected, or aid in the growth and development of living organisms.
To start a journey in that direction, students require study material and information. The NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi available on the Extramarks website is a small step towards that particular goal.
The answer provided above is in reference to the discussion done above. It is not the prescribed study material. The prescribed material is in NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 In Hindi.