NCERT Solutions Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 10

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 10 Financial Statements – 2

Accountancy is a conceptual subject that demands a lot of practise. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has curated a standard syllabus for Class 11 Accountancy. Chapter 10, Financial Statements -2 has many theories that students need to understand thoroughly. The practise questions given at the end of the chapter can help students revise the concepts learned in the chapter and understand the right way to answer a question. 

If you are looking for NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 10, refer to the solutions by Extramarks. These are prepared by subject matter experts who understand the CBSE guidelines and ensure that all the answers are written in a simple language.

Class 11 Accountancy NCERT Solutions Chapter 10 Financial Statements 2

What are Financial Statements?

The formally written records that convey the various business activities, including the company’s financial information and performance, are known as financial statements. Financial statements also help in understanding the current position of the business. To ensure the tax and financing details and the purposes of investing, the government officials, accountants, agencies, firms, etc., often audit the financial statements. They mostly include: 

  • Balance sheet: An overview of the stakeholders’ liabilities, assets, and equity is provided by a balance sheet as a written record.
  • Income statement: The income statement is all about the revenues and expenses of the company in a particular period of time.
  • Cash Flow statement: The measurement of the cash generated and utilised by a company in order to pay the obligations of debt, investments of funds, operating expenses and many more are calculated in the cash flow statement. 

The financial analysts and the investors of a company depend upon the company’s current financial status and information to determine its performance and its direction in the near future. The annual report in this regard plays a major role. The accurate audited financial statement of a firm is contained in this report.

How to Prepare a Financial Statement?

When preparing a financial statement, the aggregation of financial accounting into a structured sequence is essential. The financial statements are then disseminated to the creditors, investors, the management body, etc. The evaluation of the financial statements is then carried out, which includes the cash flows, overall economic performance, and liquidity of the business. Given below are a few steps that are to be followed for the preparation of financial statements, which may vary from company to company:

  • Step 1: Includes the verification of the receipt of supplier invoices
  • Step 2: Is the verification of the issuance of the customer invoices
  • Step 3: Is the accruing of the wages that are yet to be paid
  • Step 4: Calculation of the depreciation is the fourth step
  • Step 5: To estimate the ending inventory balance
  • Step 6: Is the reconciliation of the bank accounts
  • Step 7: The posting of all ledger balances
  • Step 8: Analysing accounts
  • Step 9: Reviewing the financials is the eighth step
  • Step 10: Accruing income taxes is the ninth step
  • Step 11: Closing of accounts
  • Step 12: The final step involves issuing financial statements

What are Doubtful Debts?

There are many types of debts that an individual or a business is unlikely to collect. These are known as doubtful debts. Non-payment can include many reasons such as: oversupply, delivery, the position of the items, and the financial stress included in a customer’s operations. In case of such disputes, it is suggested to add this debt to the doubtful debt reserve in order to avoid overstatement of the business assets. And when there remains no doubt, the debt becomes terrible and uncollectable. These debts are doubtful of recovery and can turn miserable at any point. Every year,  a certain percentage can be allocated as uncollectible out of the total credit provided to the buyer, which the business can analyse. This percentage is kept separately from the profits. The provision made in the process made out of the profits is termed as provision for doubtful debts. 

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Solved Example for Accountancy Class 11 Chapter 10

Q1. Why do we need financial statements? Select one of the below given options:

  1. To prevent future losses
  2. To calculate profit and loss
  3. To estimate the financial viability of a company
  4. All the above

Ans. All the above

Fun Fact

  • Before the generation of numbering system, the accountants kept track of animals and grains with the help of tokens made of clay.

Q.1 Why is it necessary to record the adjusting entries in the preparation of final accounts?


Accrual concept is the fundamental accounting concept and requires that all expenses, whether paid or not and all incomes and gains whether received or not, should be accounted to ascertain correct profit or loss, assets and liabilities. They are recorded through the adjustment entries.

Q.2 What is meant by closing stock? Show its treatment in final accounts?


Closing stock represents the cost of unsold goods lying in the stores at the end of the accounting period. It is valued at cost or net realizable value (market value) whichever is less.

Closing stock given outside the Trial Balance is shown on the credit side of the Trading Account and also on the assets side of the Balance Sheet under the main head Current Assets.

Q.3 State the meaning of:

  1. Outstanding expenses
  2. Prepaid expenses
  3. Income received in advance
  4. Accrued income


a) Outstanding expenses:

At the end of the accounting period sometimes a business enterprises is left with some unpaid expenses due to one reason or another. Such expenses are termed as outstanding expenses.

b) Prepaid Expenses:

Prepaid expenses are the expenses that have been paid but their benefit will not be exhausted in current accounting period but in next year.

c) Income received in advance:

Income received in advance represents income that has been received against which services are yet to be rendered or goods are yet to be sold.

d) Accrued Income:

These are certain items are received by a business enterprise but the whole amount of it does not belong to the next period. The amount of accrued income will be added to the related income in the profit and loss account and the new account of accrued income will appear on the asset side of the balance sheet.

Q.4 Why is it necessary to create a provision for doubtful debts at the time of preparation of final accounts?


Provision for doubtful debts is the amount set aside out of profits to meet future bad debts out of present doubtful debts.

Provision created for doubtful debts at the end of a particular year will be carried forward to the next year and it will be used for meeting the loss due to bad debts incurred during the next year. The provision for doubtful debts brought forward from the previous year is called the opening provision or old provision

Q.5 What adjusting entries would you record for the following?

  1. Depreciation
  2. Discount on debtors
  3. Interest on capital
  4. Manager’s commission


a) Depreciation:

Depreciation is the decline in the value of assets on account of wear and tear and passage of time. It is treated as a business expenses and is debited to profit and loss account.

The entry for providing depreciation is:

Particulars Dr. ₹ Cr. ₹
Depreciation A/c Dr.
To Concerned Asset A/c
Particulars Dr. ₹ Cr. ₹
Profit & Loss A/c Dr.
To Depreciation A/c

b) Discount on Debtors:

A business enterprise allows discount to its debtors to encourage prompt payments.

Provision for discount is made on good debtors which are arrived at by deducting further bad debts and the provision for doubtful debts.

The following entry:

Particulars Dr. ₹ Cr. ₹
Discount Allowed A/c Dr.
To Debtors
(Being discount allowed on debtors)
Particulars Dr. ₹ Cr. ₹
Profit & Loss A/c Dr.
To Provision for discount on debtors A/c

In the balance sheet, it will be shown as a deduction from the debtors account.

c) Interest on Capital:

Interest is calculated at a given rate of interest on capital as at the beginning of the accounting year. If however any additional capital is brought during the year, the interest may also be computed on such amount from the date on which it was brought into the business.


Particulars Dr. ₹ Cr. ₹
Interest on Capital Dr.
To Capital A/c
Particulars Dr. ₹ Cr. ₹
Profit & Loss A/c Dr.
To Interest on Capital A/c

In the final accounts, it is shown as an expense on the debit side of the profit and loss account and added to capital in the Balance Sheet.

d) Manager’s Commission:

The manager of the business is sometimes given the commission on the net profit of the company. The percentage of the commission is applied on the profit either before charging such commission or after charging such commission.

The managers commission will be adjusted in the books of accounts are:

Particulars Dr. ₹ Cr. ₹
Profit and Loss Dr.
To Manager’s Commission A/c

Q.6 What is meant by provision for discount on debtors?


Provision for discount on Debtors means provision made for discount that is likely to be allowed to the debtors. It is calculated as a percentage of debtors.

Q.7 Give the journal entries for the following adjustments:

  1. Outstanding salary ₹3,500.
  2. Rent unpaid for one month at ₹6,000 per annum.
  3. Insurance prepaid for a quarter at ₹16,000 per annum.
  4. Purchase of furniture costing ₹7,000 entered in the purchase book.


a) Outstanding salary: ₹3,500.


Particulars Dr. ₹ Cr. ₹
Salaries A/c Dr. 3,500
To outstanding Salaries 3,500
(Being Salaries of ₹3,500 is remaining outstanding)

b) Rent unpaid for one month at ₹6,000 per annum.


Particulars Dr. ₹ Cr. ₹
Rent A/c Dr. 3,500
To Outstanding Rent 3,500
(Being Rent unpaid for one month is ₹6000/12 = ₹500)

c) Insurance prepaid for a quarter at ₹16,000 per annum.


Particulars Dr. ₹ Cr. ₹
Prepaid Insurance Dr. 4,000
To Insurance 4,000
(Being insurance paid in advance for 3 months (₹16,000/4) is ₹4,000)

d) Purchase of furniture costing ₹7,000 entered in the purchase book.


Particulars Dr. ₹ Cr. ₹
Furniture Dr. 7,000
To Purchases A/c 7,000
(Being furniture was wrongly debited to Purchases Account, now rectified)

Q.8 What are adjusting entries? Why are they necessary for preparing final accounts?


Adjustment entries are the entries passed to record expenses and incomes that relate to the accounting period are yet to be paid or received.

According to accrual concept of accounting, the profit or loss for an accounting year is not based on the revenues realised in cash and the expenses paid in cash during that year. Such items duly adjusted, the final accounts will not reflect the true and fair view of the state of affairs of the business.

All expenses and incomes for the year for which accounts are being prepared are accounted. Therefore it is necessary that:

  • Expenditure incurred whether paid or not, are accounted.
  • Income earned whether received or not, are accounted.
  • Expenditure relating to the succeeding years are excluded, and
  • Income relating to the succeeding years are excluded.

The purpose of making various adjustments is to ensure that the final accounts reveal the true profit or loss and the true financial position of the business. The items which usually need adjustments are:

  • Closing stock
  • Outstanding/expenses.
  • Prepaid/Unexpired expenses.
  • Accrued Income.
  • Income Received in advance.
  • Depreciation.
  • Bad debts.
  • Provision for doubtful debts.
  • Provision for discount on debtors.
  • Manager’s Commission and
  • Interest on capital.

Q.9 What is meant by provision for doubtful debts? How are the relevant accounts prepared and what journal entries are recorded in final accounts? How is the amount for provision for doubtful debts calculated?


Provision for doubtful debts is the amount set aside out of profits to meet future bad debts out of present doubtful debts.

It means provision made against debts of the amount that are doubtful of recovery.

The entry for providing for doubtful debts is:

Particulars Dr. ₹ Cr. ₹
Profit and Loss Dr.
To Provision for Doubtful Debts
(Being the provision made for doubtful debts)

Debit to the Profit and loss account will reduce the year’s profit by the amount of provision and the amount will be carried forward to the next year. Next year, when bad debts actually occur and are written off, Bad debts account will be debited to the provision for doubtful debts account. The amount of the bad debts will not be debited to the Profit and Loss account since a debit was already given for it last year.

It should be noted that the customer’s account or sundry debtors account is not affected by creating Provision for Doubtful Debts.

Provision for Doubtful Debts Account is shown in the Balance Sheet by way of deduction from the amount of book debts.

Provision created for doubtful debts at the end of a particular year will be carried forward to the next year and it will be used for meeting the loss due to bad debts incurred during the next year.

The provision for doubtful debts brought forward from the previous year is called the opening provision or old provision. When such a provision already exists, the loss due to bad debts during the current year are adjusted against the same and while making provision for doubtful debts required at the end of the current year is called new provision. The balance of old provision as given in trial balance should also be taken into account.

Q.10 Show the treatment of prepaid expenses, depreciation, closing stock at the time of preparation of final accounts when:

  1. When given inside the trial balance?
  2. When given outside the trial balance?


Prepaid Expenses:

When given inside the trial balance:

In this case, the adjustment entry for prepaid expenses is already passed. So it will be shown only in the Balance Sheet as Current Assets.

When given outside the trial balance:

Prepaid insurance is shown on the assets side of Balance Sheet as a separate item under Current Assets.

Next year, prepaid expenses is transferred to the expenses account. This principle applies to all expenses incurred during the year but whose benefit will accrue in the next year.


When given inside the trial balance:

Depreciation given in the Trial Balance means entry for depreciation is passed in the books of accounts. It, therefore means that the concerned asset appears as its reduced value since the Depreciation amount is credited to it. Depreciation Account is transferred to the debit side of the Profit and Loss Account like other expenses.

When given outside the trial balance:

Depreciation given as an adjustment means that depreciation is yet to be accounted in the books of accounts.

Closing Stock:

Closing stock will appear on the assets side of the Balance Sheet in both the cases: (a) when it is shown in trial balance, and (b) when it is shown outside the trial balance. But it is shown in the Trading Account (Credit side) when its adjustment is shown outside the Trial Balance.

Q.11 Prepare a trading and profit and loss account for the year ending March 31, 2017. From the balances extracted of M/s Rahul Sons. Also prepare a balance sheet at the end of the year.

Account Title Account Title
Stock 50,000 Sales 1,80,000
Wages 3,000 Purchases return 2,000
Salary 8,000 Discount received 500
Purchases 1,75,000 Provision for doubtful debts 2,500
Sales return 3,000 Capital 3,00,000
Sundry debtors 82,000 Bills payable 22,000
Discount allowed 1,000 Commission received 4,000
Insurance 3,200 Rent 6,000
Rent Rates and Taxes 4,300 Loan 34,800
Fixtures and Fittings 20,000
Trade expenses 1,500
Bad debts 2,000
Drawings 32,000
Repair & renewals 1,600
Travelling expenses 4,200
Postage 300
Telegram expenses 200
Legal fees 500
Bills receivable 50,000
Building 1,10,000
5,51,800 5,51,800

1. Commission received in advance ₹1,000.
2. Rent receivable ₹2,000.
3. Salary outstanding ₹1,000 and insurance prepaid ₹800.
4. Further bad debts ₹1,000 and provision for doubtful debts @5% on debtors and discount on debtors @2%.
5. Closing stock ₹32,000
6. Depreciation on building @6% p.a.


Trading and Profit & Loss Account

As on 31st March, 2017

Particulars Particulars
To Opening stock 50,000 By Sales 1,80,000
To Purchase 1,75,000 (-) Sales Return 3,000 1,77,000
(-) Purchase Return 2,000 1,73,000 By Closing Stock 32,000
To Wages 3,000 By Gross Loss c/d 17,000
2,26,000 2,26,000
To Gross Loss b/d 17,000 By Discount Received 500
To Salary 8,000 By Commission 4,000
(+) Outstanding salary 1,000 9,000 (-) Advance 1,000 3,000
To Discount allowed 1,000 By Rent 6,000
To Insurance 3,200 (+) Accrued Rent 2,000 8,000
(-) prepaid insurance 800 2,400 By Net Loss 43,189
To Rent, Rates & Taxes 4,300
To Trade Expenses 1,500
To Bad debts 2,000
(+) Further Bad debts 1,000
(+) New provision 4,050
(+) Discount 1,539
(-) Old Provision 2,500 6,089
To Postage 300
To Telegram expenses 200
To Repair & renewals 1,600
To Travelling expenses 4,200
To Legal fees 500
To Depreciation on Building 6,600
54,689 54,689
Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Capital 3,00,000 Sundry Debtors 82,000
(-) Net Loss 43,189 (-) Further Bad Debts 1,000
2,56,811 (-) New provision 4,050
(-) Drawings 32,000 2,24,811 (-) Discount 1,539 75,411
Bills Payable 22,000 Bills Receivable 50,000
Loan 34,800 Fixture& Fitting 20,000
Advance Commission 1,000 Prepaid insurance 800
Outstanding Salary 1,000 Building 1,10,000
(-) Depreciation @ 6% 6,600 1,03,400
Rent (Accrued) 2,000
Closing stock 32,000
2,83,611 2,83,611

Working Note:

Sundry Debtors 82,000
(-) Further Bad Debts 1,000
(-) provision (5%) 4,050
(-) Discount (2%) 1,539

Q.12 Prepare a trading and profit and loss account of M/s Green Club Ltd. for the year ending March 31, 2017 from the following figures taken from his trial balance:

Account Title Account Title
Opening stock 35,000 Sales 2,50,000
Purchases 1,25,000 Purchase Return 6,000
Return Inwards 25,000 Creditors 10,000
Postage & Telegram 600 Bills payable 20,000
Salary 12,300 Discount 1,000
Wages 3,000 Provision for bad debts 4,500
Rent and Rates 1,000 Interest received 5,400
Packing & Transport 500 Capital 75,000
General expenses 400
Insurance 4,000
Debtors 50,000
Cash in hand 20,000
Cash at bank 40,000
Machinery 20,000
Lighting & Heating 5,000
Discount 3,500
Bad debts 3,500
Investment 23,100
3,71,900 3,71,900

1. Depreciation charged on machinery @5% p.a.
2. Further bad debts ₹1,500. Discount on debtors @5% and make a provision on debtors @6%.
3. Wages prepaid ₹1,000.
4. Interest on investment @5% p.a.
5. Closing stock ₹10,000.


Trading & Profit and Loss Account

As on 31st March, 2017

Particulars Particulars
To Opening stock 35,000 By Sales 2,50,000
To Purchase 1,25,000 (-) Sales Return 25,000 2,25,000
(-) Purchase Return 6,000 1,19,000 By Closing Stock 10,000
To Wages 3,000
(-) Prepaid wages 1,000 2,000
To Gross Profit c/d 79,000
2,35,000 2,35,000
To salary 12,300 By Gross Profit b/d 79,000
To Postage & Telegram 600 By Accrued Interest on Investment 1,155
To rent & Rates 1,000 By Discount 1,000
To Packing & Transport 500 By Interest Received 5,400
To general expenses 400
To Insurance 4,000
To Lighting & Heating 5,000
To discount 3,500
To Bad Debts 3,500
(+) Further Bad Debts 1,500
(+) New Provision 2,910
(-) Old Provision 4,500
(+) Discount 2,280 5,690
To Depreciation on Machinery 1,000
To Net Profit 52,565
86,555 86,555
Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Capital 75,000 Investment 23,100
(+) Net profit 52,565 1,27,565 Accrued Interest 1,155 24,255
Creditors 10,000 Closing Stock 10,000
Bills payable 20,000 Prepaid Wages 1,000
Machinery 20,000
(-) Depreciation @5% 1,000 19,000
Cash in Hand 20,000
Cash at Bank 40,000
Debtors 50,000
(-) Bad Debts 1,500
(-) New Provision 2,910
(-) Discount 2,280 43,310
1,57,565 1,57,565

Working Note:

Sundry Debtors 50,000
(-) Further Bad Debts 1,500
(-) provision (6%) 2,910
(-) Discount (5%) 2,280

Q.13 The following balances has been extracted from the trial of M/s Runway Shine Ltd. Prepare a trading and profit and loss account and a balance sheet as on March 31, 2017.

Account Title Account Title
Purchases 1,50,000 Sales 2,50,000
Opening stock 50,000 Return outwards 4,500
Return Inwards 2,000 Interest received 3,500
Carriage inwards 4,500 Discount received 400
Cash in hand 77,800 Creditors 1,25,000
Cash at bank 60,800 Bills payable 6,040
Wages 2,400 Capital 1,00,000
Printing & Stationery 4,500
Discount 400
Bad debts 1,500
Insurance 2,500
Investment 32,000
Debtors 53,000
Bills receivable 20,000
Postage & Telegraph 400
Commission 200
Interest 1,000
Repair 440
Lighting Charges 500
Telephone charges 100
Carriage outward 400
Motor car 25,000
4,89,440 4,89,440

1. Further bad debts ₹1,000. Discount on debtors ₹500 and make a provision on debtors @ 5%.
2. Interest received on investment @5%.
3. Wages and interest outstanding ₹100 and ₹200 respectively.
4. Depreciation charged on motor car @5% p.a.
5. Closing Stock ₹32,500.


Trading & Profit and Loss Account

As on 31st March, 2017

Particulars Particulars
To Opening Stock 50,000 By Sales 2,50,000
To Purchase 1,50,000 (-) Return Inwards 2,000 2,48,000
(-) Purchase Return 4,500 1,45,000 By Closing Stock 32,500
To Carriage Inwards 4,500
To Wages 2,400
(+) Outstanding 100 2,500
To Gross Profit c/d 78,000
2,80,500 2,80,500
To Carriage Outwards 400 By Gross Profit b/d 78,000
To Lighting Charges 500 By Interest Rcvd 3,500
To Repair 440 (+) Interest on Investment 1,600 5,100
To Printing & Stationery 4,500 By Discount Received 400
To Discount 400
To Insurance 2,500
To Bad Debts 1,500
(+) Further Bad Debts 1,000
(+) New provision 2,600
(+) Discount 500 5,600
To Postage& Telegraph 400
To Commission 200
To Interest 1,000
(+) Outstanding Interest 200 1,200
To Telephone Charges 100
To Depreciation on Motor Car 1,250
To Net profit 66,010
83,500 83,500
Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Capital 1,00,000 Cash in Hand 77,800
(+) Net profit 66,010 1,66,010 Cash at Bank 60,800
Creditors 1,25,000 Investment 32,000
Bills Payable 6,040 (+) Interest on Investment 1,600 33,600
Outstanding Wages 100 Debtors 53,000
Outstanding Interest 200 (-) Bad Debts 1,000
(-) provision 2,600
(-) Discount 500 48,900
Bills Receivable 20,000
Motor Car 25,000
(-) Depreciation 1,250 23,750
Closing Stock 32,500
2,97,350 2,97,350

Q.14 From the following Trial Balance you are required to prepare trading and profit and loss account for the year ending March 31, 2017 and Balance Sheet on that date.

Account Title Account Title
Opening stock 25,000 Sales 7,00,000
Furniture 16,000 Creditors 72,500
Purchases 5,55,300 Bank Overdraft 50,000
Carriage Inwards 4,700 Provision for bad and doubtful debts 2,100
Bad debts 1,800 Discount 500
Wages 52,000 Capital 2,00,000
Debtors 80,000 Purchases Return 20,000
Sales Return 15,000
Rent 24,000
Miscellaneous Expenses 3,400
Salaries 68,000
Cash 8,900
Drawings 14,000
Buildings 1,60,000
Advertising 10,000
Interest on Bank Overdraft 7,000
10,45,100 10,45,100

1. Closing stock valued at ₹36,000.
2. Private purchases amounting to ₹5,000 debited to purchases account.
3. Provision for doubtful debts @ 5% on debtors.
4. Sign board costing ₹4,000 includes in advertising.
5. Depreciate furniture by 10%.


Trading & Profit and Loss Account

As on 31st March, 2017

Particulars Particulars
To Opening Stock 25,000 By Sales 7,00,000
To Purchases 5,55,300 (-) Returns Inwards 15,000 6,85,000
(-) Return Outwards 20,000 By Closing Stock 36,000
(-) Private purchases 5,000 5,30,300
To Carriage Inwards 4,700
To wages 52,000
To Gross Profit c/d 1,09,000
7,21,000 7,21,000
To Rent 24,000 By Gross profit b/d 1,09,000
To Miscellaneous expenses 3,400 By Discount 500
To salaries 68,000 By Net Loss 4,200
To Advertising 10,000
(-) Sign board advertising 4,000 6,000
To Interest on Bank overdraft 7,000
To Bad debts 1,800
To Provision for doubtful debt 4,000
(-) Existing provision 2,100 1,900
To Depreciation on furniture 1,600
1,13,700 1,13,700
Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Creditors 72,500 Building 1,60,000
Bank Overdraft 50,000 Cash 8,900
Capital 2,00,000 Furniture 16,000
(-) Drawings 14,000 (-) Depreciation 10% 1,600 14,400
1,86,000 Closing stock 36,000
(-)Loss 4,200 Sign board 4,000
1,81,800 Debtors 80,000
(-) Private purchases 5,000 1,76,800 (-) Provision for doubtful debts 4,000 76,000
2,99,300 2,99,300

Q.15 From the following information prepare trading and profit and loss account of M/s Indian sports house for the year ending March 31, 2017:

Account Title Account Title
Drawings 20,000 Capital 2,00,000
Sundry debtors 80,000 Return outwards 2,000
Bad debts 1,000 Bank overdraft 12,000
Trade expenses 2,400 Provision for bad debts 4,000
Printing & Stationery 2,000 Sundry creditors 60,000
Rent Rates & Taxes 5,000 Bills payable 15,400
Freight 4,000 Sales 2,76,000
Returns inwards 7,000
Opening stock 25,000
Purchases 1,80,000
Furniture & Fixture 20,000
Plant & machinery 1,00,000
Bills receivable 14,000
Wages 10,000
Cash in hand 6,000
Discount allowed 2,000
Investments 40,000
Motor car 51,000
5,69,400 5,69,400

1. Closing stock was ₹ 45,000.
2. Provision for doubtful debts is to be maintained @2% on debtors.
3. Depreciation charged on: furniture and fixture @5%, plant and machinery @6% and motor car @10%.
4. A machine of ₹ 30,000 was purchased on October 01, 2016.
5. The manager is entitle to a commission of @10% of the net profit after charging such commission.


Trading & Profit and Loss Account

As on 31st March, 2017

Particulars Particulars
To Opening stock 25,000 By Sales 2,76,000
To Purchase 1,80,000 (-) Return Inwards 7,000 2,69,000
(-) Return Outwards 2,000 1,78,000 By Closing stock 45,000
To Wages 10,000
To gross profit c/d 1,01,000
3,14,000 3,14,000
To bad debts 1,000 To Gross Profit b/d 1,01,000
To trade expenses 2,400 By provision for Bad Debts 4,000
To printing & Stationery 2,000 (-) New Provision 1,600 2,400
To Rent. Rates & Taxes 5,000
To Freight 4,000
To Discount Allowed 2,000
To Depreciation on furniture & Fixture 1,000
To Depreciation on Plant & machinery


To Depreciation on motor car 5,100
To Manager’s Commission 6,891
To Net profit c/d 68,909
1,03,400 1,03,400

Working Note:

1. Depreciation on Plant and machinery ₹30,000 Machinery was purchased on 1 October, 2016. Hence, Dep on ₹70,000 (1,00,000 – 30,000) @ 6% = ₹4,200 and Dep on ₹30,000 @ 6% for six months = ₹900 = ₹(4,200 + 900) = ₹5,100 MathType@MTEF@5@5@+=feaaguart1ev2aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbwvMCKfMBHbqeduuDJXwAKbYu51MyVXgaruWqVvNCPvMCG4uz3bqefqvATv2CG4uz3bIuV1wyUbqeeuuDJXwAKbsr4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0=yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr=xfr=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@E553@ 2.Profit before Manager’s Commission:= (1,03,400 – 27,600) = ₹75,800.manager is entitled to a commission @10% on the new profitafter charging such commission = ₹75,800 × 10110 = ₹6,891

Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Capital 2,00,000 Sundry Debtors 80,000
(+) Net profit 68,909 (-) provision for Bad Debts 1,600 78,400
2,68,909 Furniture & Fixture 20,000
(-) Drawings 20,000 2,48,909 (-) Depreciation @ 5% 1,000 19,000
Bank Overdraft 12,000 Plant & machinery 1,00,000
Creditors 60,000 (-) Depreciation @ 6% (₹4,200+900) 5,100 94,900
Bills payable 15,400 Motor Car 51,000
Manager’s Commission outstanding 6,891 (-) Depreciation @ 10% 5,100 45,900
Cash in Hand 6,000
Bills Receivable 14,000
Investments 40,000
Closing Stock 45,000
3,43,200 3,43,200

Q.16 Prepare the trading and profit and loss account and a balance sheet of M/s Shine Ltd. from the following particulars:

Account Title Account Title
Sundry debtors 1,00,000 Bills Payable 85,550
Bad debts 3,000 Sundry creditors 25,000
Trade expenses 2,500 Provision for bad debts 1,500
Printing & Stationary 5,000 Return outwards 4,500
Rent, Rates and Taxes 3,450 Capital 2,50,000
Freight 2,250 Discount received 3,500
Sales return 6,000 Interest received 11,260
Motor car 25,000 Sales 1,00,000
Opening stock 75,550
Furniture & Fixture 15,500
Purchases 75,000
Drawings 13,560
Investments 65,500
Cash in hand 36,000
Cash in bank 53,000
4,81,310 4,81,310

1. Closing stock was valued ₹35,000.
2. Depreciation charged on furniture and fixture @5%.
3. Further bad debts ₹1,000. Make a provision for bad debts @5% on sundry debtors.
4. Depreciation charged on motor car @10%.
5. Interest on drawing @6%.
6. Rent, rates and taxes was outstanding ₹200.
7. Discount on debtors 2%.


Trading & Profit and Loss Account

As on ……….

Particulars Particulars
To Opening Stock 75,550 By Sales 1,00,000
To Purchase 75,000 (-) Return Inwards 6,000 94,000
(-) Return Outwards 4,500 70,500 By Closing Stock 35,000
By Gross Loss c/d 17,050
1,46,050 1,46,050
To Gross Loss b/d 17,050 By Discount Received 3,500
To Bad Debts 3,000 By Interest Received 11,260
(+) Bad Debts 1,000 By Interest on Drawings 814
(+) Provision for Bad Debts 4,950 By Net Loss 27,482
(-) Old Provision 1,500 7,450
To Trade Expenses 2,500
To Printing & Stationery 5,000
To Rent, Rates & Taxes 3,450
(+) Outstanding Rent 200 3,650
To Freight 2,250
To Depreciation on Furniture 775
To Depreciation on Motor Car 2,500
To Discount on Debtors 1,881
43,056 43,056

Note: Freight and carriage on Sales or Carriage outward ₹2,250 is an indirect expense.

Balance Sheet

As on ……….

Liabilities Assets
Capital 2,50,000 Cash in Hand
(-) Net Loss 27,482 Cash at Bank
2,22,518 Investment
(-) Drawings 13,560 Motor Car 25,000
(-) Interest 814 2,08,144 (-) Depreciation @ 10% 2,500
Bills Payable 85,550 Furniture & Fixture 15,000
Sundry Creditors 25,000 (-) Depreciation @ 5% 775
Outstanding Rent, Rates & Taxes 200 Sundry Debtors 1,00,000
(-) Bad Debts 1,000
(-) Provision for Bad Debts 4,950
(-) Discount on Debt 1,881 92,169
Closing Stock 35,000
3,18,894 3,18,894

Working Note:

Sundry Debtors 1,00,000
(-) Further Bad Debts 1,000
(-) provision (5%) 4,950
(-) Discount (2%) 1,881

Q.17 Following balances have been extracted from the trial balance of M/s Keshav Electronics Ltd. You are required to prepare the trading and profit and loss account and a balance sheet as on March 31, 2017.

Account Title Account Title
Opening stock 2,26,000 Sales 6,80,000
Purchases 4,40,000 Return outwards 15,000
Drawings 75,000 Creditors 50,000
Buildings 1,00,000 Bills payable 63,700
Motor van 30,000 Interest received 20,000
Freight inwards 3,400 Capital 3,50,000
Sales return 10,000
Trade expenses 3,300
Heat & Power 8,000
Salary & Wages 5,000
Legal expenses 3,000
Postage & Telegram 1,000
Bad debts 6,500
Cash in hand 79,000
Cash at bank 98,000
Sundry debtors 25,000
Investments 40,000
Insurance 3,500
Machinery 22,000
11,78,700 11,78,700

The following additional information is available:
1. Stock on March 31, 2017 was ₹ 30,000.
2. Depreciation is to be charged on building at 5% and motor van at 10%.
3. Provision for doubtful debts is to be maintained at 5% on Sundry Debtors.
4. Unexpired insurance was ₹ 600.
5. The manager is entitled to a commission @5% on net profit after charging such commission.


Trading & Profit and Loss Account

As on 31st March, 2017

Particulars Particulars
To Opening Stock 2,26,000 By Sales 6,80,000
To Purchase 4,40,000 (-) Return Inwards 10,000 6,70,000
(-) Return Outwards 15,000 4,25,000 By Closing Stock 30,000
To Freight Inward 3,400
To Heat & Power 8,000
To Gross Profit 37,600
7,00,000 7,00,000
To Salary & Wages 5,000 By Gross Profit b/d 37,600
To Trade Expenses 3,300 By Interest Received 20,000
To Legal Expenses 3,000
To Postage & Telegram 1,000
To Bad Debts 6,500
(+) Provision 1,250
To Insurance 3,500
(-) Prepaid 600 2,900
To Depreciation on Building 5,000
To Depreciation on Motor Van 3,000
To Manager’s Commission

(₹26,650 x 5/105)


To Net profit




Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Capital 3,50,000 Machinery 22,000
(+) Profit (Net) 25,381 Investments 40,000
3,75,381 Buildings 1,00,000
(-) Drawings 75,000 3,00,381 (-) Depreciation 5,000 95,000
Creditors 50,000 Motor Van 30,000
Bills Payable 63,700 (-) Depreciation @ 10% 3,000 27,000
Manager’s Commission Outstanding 1,269 Cash in Hand 79,000
Cash at Bank 98,000
Sundry Debtors 25,000
(-) Provision for Bad Debts 1,250 23,750
Prepaid Insurance 600
Closing Stock 30,000
4,15,350 4,15,350

Q.18 From the following balances extracted from the books of Raga Ltd. prepare a trading and profit and loss account for the year ended March 31, 2017 and a balance sheet as on that date.

Account Title Account Title
Drawings 20,000 Sales 2,20,000
Land & Buildings 12,000 Capital 1,01,110
Plant & machinery 40,000 Discount 1,260
Carriage inwards 100 Apprentice premium 5,230
Wages 500 Bills payable 1,28,870
Salary 2,000 Purchases return 10,000
Sales Return 200
Bank charges 200
Coal, Gas & Water 1,200
Purchases 1,50,000
Trade Expenses 3,800
Stock (opening) 76,800
Cash at bank 50,000
Rates and Taxes 870
Bills Receivable 24,500
Sundry Debtors 54,300
Cash in hand 30,000
4,66,470 4,66,470

The additional information is as under:
1. Closing stock was valued at the end of the year ₹20,000.
2. Depreciation on plant and machinery charged at 5% and land and building at 10%.
3. Discount on debtors at 3%.
4. Make a provision at 5% on debtors for doubtful debts.
5. Salary outstanding was ₹100 and wages prepaid was ₹40.
6. The manager is entitled a commission of 5% on net profit after charging such commission.


Trading & Profit and Loss Account

As on 31st March, 2017

Particulars Particulars
To Opening Stock 76,800 By Sales 2,20,000
To Purchase 1,50,000 (-) Sales Return 200 2,19,800
(-) Purchase Return 10,000 1,40,000 By Closing Stock 20,000
To Carriage Inwards 100
To Wages 500
(-) Prepaid 40 460
To Gas, Coal & Water 1,200
To Gross Profit c/d 21,240
2,39,800 2,39,800
To Salary 2,000 By Gross Profit b/d 21,240
(+) Outstanding 100 2,100 By Discount 1,260
To Bank Charges 200 By Apprentice Premium 5,230
To Trade Expenses 3,800
To Rates & Taxes 870
To Depreciation on Plant & machinery 2,000
To Depreciation on Land & Building 1,200
To Provision for Doubtful Debts 2,715
To Discount Allowed 1,548
To Manager’s Commission

(₹13,297 x 5/105)

To Net profit 12,664
27,730 27,730
Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Capital 1,01,110 Land & Building 12,000
(+) Net Profit 12,664 (-) Depreciation 1,200 10,800
1,13,774 Cash at Bank 50,000
(-) Drawings 20,000 93,774 Plant & Machinery 40,000
Bills Payable 1,28,870 (-) Depreciation 2,000 38,000
Outstanding Salary 100 Bills Receivable 24,500
Outstanding Manager’s Commission 633 Sundry Debtors 54,300
(-) Provision 2,715
(-) Discount 1,548 50,037
Cash in Hand 30,000
Closing Stock 20,000
Prepaid Wages 40
2,23,377 2,23,377

Q.19 From the following balances of M/s Jyoti Exports. Prepare trading and profit and loss account for the year ended March 31, 2017 and balance sheet as on this date.

Account Title Account Title
Sundry debtors 9,600 Sundry Creditors 2,500
Opening stock 22,800 Sales 72,670
Purchases 34,800 Purchases returns 2,430
Carriage inwards 450 Bills payables 15,600
Wages 1,770 Capital 42,000
Office rent 820
Insurance 1,440
Factory rent 390
Cleaning charges 940
Salary 1,590
Building 24,000
Plant & Machinery 3,600
Cash in hand 2,160
Gas and water 240
Import duty (purchase) 60
Furniture 20,540
Patents 10,000
1,35,200 1,35,200

Closing stock ₹10,000.
1. To provision for doubtful debts is to be maintained at 5% on sundry debtors.
2. Wages amounting to ₹500 and salary amounting to ₹350 are outstanding.
3. Factory rent prepaid ₹100.
4. Depreciation charged on Plant & machinery @5% and Building @10%.
5. Outstanding insurance ₹100.


Trading & Profit and Loss Account

As on 31st March, 2017

Particulars Particulars
To Opening Stock 22,800 By Sales 72,670
To purchase 34,800 By Closing Stock 10,000
(-) Purchase Return 2,430 32,370
To Clearing Charges 940
To Carriage Inward 450
To Factory Rent 390
(-) Prepaid 100 290
To Gas & Water 240
To Import duty 60
To Wages 1,770
(+) Outstanding Wages 500 2,270
To Gross profit c/d 23,250
82,670 82,670
To Office Rent 820 By Gross Profit b/d 23,250
To Insurance 1,440
(+) Outstanding Insurance 100 1,540
To Salary 1,590
(+) Outstanding Salary 350 1,940
To provision for Bad Debts 480
To Depreciation on Building 2,400
To Depreciation on Plant & machinery 180
To Net profit 15,890
23,250 23,250
Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Capital 42,000 Sundry Debtors 9,600
(+) Net Profit 15,890 57,890 (-) Provision for Bad Debts @5% 480 9,120
Sundry Creditors 2,500 Building 24,000
Bills Payable 15,600 (-) Depreciation @10% 2,400 21,600
Outstanding Salary 350
Outstanding Wages 500
Outstanding Insurance 100 Plant & Machinery 3,600
(-) Depreciation @5% 180 3,420
Cash in Hand 2,160
Furniture 20,540
Patents 10,000
Prepaid Rent (factory) 100
Closing Stock 10,000
76,940 76,940

Note: As per solution Net Profit is ₹15,890 and Total of the Balance Sheet is ₹76,940. However, textbook shows Net Profit ₹15,895 and Total of the Balance Sheet ₹76,945.

Q.20 The following balances have been extracted from the books of M/s Green House for the year ended March 31, 2017. Prepare trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet as on this date.

Account Title Account Title
Purchases 80,000 Capital 2,10,000
Bank balance 11,000 Bills Payable 6,500
Wages 34,000 Sales 2,00,000
Debtors 70,300 Creditors 50,000
Cash in hand 1,200 Return outwards 4,000
Legal expenses 4,000
Building 60,000
Machinery 1,20,000
Bills Receivable 7,000
Office expenses 3,000
Opening stock 45,000
Gas and fuel 2,700
Freight and Carriage 3,500
Factory lighting 5,000
Office furniture 5,000
Patent right 18,800
4,70,500 4,70,500


  1. Machinery is depreciated at 10% and buildings depreciated at 6%.
  2. Interest on capital @ 4%.
  3. Outstanding wages ₹50.
  4. Closing stock ₹50,000.


Trading & Profit and Loss Account

As on 31st March, 2017

Particulars Particulars
To Opening Stock 45,000 By Sales 2,00,000
To Purchase 80,000 By Closing Stock 50,000
(-) Return Outwards 4,000 76,000
To Gas & Fuel 2,700
To Freight & Carriage 3,500
To wages 34,000
(+) Outstanding Wages 50 34,050
To factory Lighting 5,000
To Gross profit 83,750
2,50,000 2,50,000
To Legal Expenses 4,000 By Gross profit b/d 83,750
To Office Expenses 3,000
To Interest on Capital 8,400
To Depreciation on Building 3,600
To Depreciation on Machinery 12,000
To Net Profit 52,750
83,750 83,750
Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Capital 2,10,000 Bank 11,000
(+) Interest On Capital 8,400 Debtors 70,300
2,18,400 Office Furniture 5,000
(+) Net Profit 52,750 2,71,150 Cash in Hand 1,200
Bills Payable 6,500 Building 60,000
Creditors 50,000 (-) Depreciation @ 6% 3,600 56,400
Outstanding Wages 50 Machinery 1,20,000
(-) Depreciation @ 10% 12,000 10,800
Bills Receivable 7,000
Patent Right 18,800
Closing Stock 50,000
3,27,700 3,27,700

Q.21 From the following balances extracted from the book of M/s Manju Chawla on March 31, 2017. You are requested to prepare the trading and profit and loss account and a balance sheet as on this date.

Account Title
Opening Stock 10,000
Purchases and Sales 40,000 80,000
Returns 200 600
Wages 6,000
Dock & Cleaning charges 4,000
Lighting 500
Misc. Income 6,000
Rent 2,000
Capital 40,000
Drawings 2,000
Debtors & Creditors 6,000 7,000
Cash 3,000
Investment 6,000
Patent 4,000
Land & machinery 43,000
Donations & Charity 600
Tax collected 1,000
Furniture 11,300
1,36,600 1,36,600

Closing stock was ₹2,000.

  1. Interest on drawings @ 7% and interest on capital @5%.
  2. Land & Machinery is depreciated at 5%.
  3. Interest on investment @6%.
  4. Unexpired rent ₹100.
  5. Charge 5% depreciation on furniture.


Trading & Profit and Loss Account

As on 31st March, 2017

Particulars Particulars
To Opening stock 10,000 By Sales 80,000
To Purchase 40,000 (-) Sales Return 200 79,800
(-) Purchase Return 600 39,400 By Closing Stock 2,000
To Wages 6,000
To Dock & Clearing charges 4,000
To Gross Profit c/d 22,400
81,800 81,800
To Donation & Charity 600 By Gross Profit b/d 22,400
To Interest on Capital 2,000 By Interest on Drawings 140
To Depreciation on furniture 565 By Interest on Investment 360
To Depreciation on Land & Machine 2,150 By Miscellaneous Income 6,000
To Lighting 500 By Rent Received 2,000
To Net Profit 24,985 (-) Un expired Rent 100 1,900
30,800 30,800
Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Capital 40,000 Furniture 11,300
(+) Interest on Capital 2,000 (-) Depreciation @5% 565 10,735
42,000 Land & Machinery 43,000
(+) Net Profit 24,985 (-) Depreciation @ 5% 2,150 40,850
66,985 Investment 6,000
(-) Drawings 2,000 (+) Interest @ 6% 360 6,360
(-) Interest 140 64,845 Debtors 6,000
Unexpired Rent 100 Cash 3,000
Tax Collected 1,000 Patents 4,000
Creditors 7,000 Closing Stock 2,000
72,945 72,945


As per solution Gross Profit is ₹22,400 However, textbook shows ₹21,900.
As per solution Net Profit is ₹24,985 However, textbook shows ₹25,185.
As per solution Total of Balance Sheet is ₹72,945 However, textbook shows ₹71,185.

Q.22 The following balances were extracted from the books of M/s Panchsheel Garments on March 31, 2017.

Account Title Account Title
Opening stock 16,000 Sales 1,12,000
Purchases 67,600 Return outwards 3,200
Return Inwards 4,600 Discount 1,400
Carriage inwards 1,400 Bank overdraft 10,000
General expenses 2,400 Commission 1,800
Insurance 4,000 Creditors 16,000
Scooter expenses 200 Capital 50,000
Salary 8,800
Cash in hand 4,000
Scooter 8,000
Furniture 5,200
Buildings 65,000
Debtors 6,000
Wages 1,200
1,94,400 1,94,400

Prepare the trading and profit and loss account for the year ended March 31, 2017 and a balance sheet as on that date:
(a) Unexpired insurance ₹ 1,000.
(b) Salary due but not paid ₹ 1,800.
(c) Wages outstanding ₹ 200.
(d) Interest on capital 5%.
(e) Scooter is depreciated @ 5%.
(f) Furniture is depreciated @10%.
Closing stock ₹ 15,000.


Trading & Profit and Loss Account

As on 31st March, 2017

Particulars Particulars
To Opening Stock 16,000 By Sales 1,12,000
To Purchase 67,600 (-) Return Inwards 4,600 1,07,400
(-) Return Outwards 3,200 64,400 By Closing Stock 15,000
To Carriage Inwards 1,400
To Wages 1,200
(+) Outstanding Wages 200 1,400
To Gross Profit 39,200
1,22,400 1,22,400
To General Expenses 2,400 By Gross Profit 39,200
To Insurance 4,000 By Discount 1,400
(-) Unexpired Insurance 1,000 3,000 By Commission 1,800
To Scooter Expenses 200
To Salary 6,800
(+) Outstanding Salary 1,800 10,600
To Interest on Capital 2,500
To Depreciation on Scooter 400
To Depreciation on furniture 520
To Net Profit 22,780
42,400 42,400
Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Capital 50,000 Cash in Hand 4,000
(+) Interest on Capital 2,500 Scooter 8,000
(+) Net Profit 22,780 75,280 (-) Depreciation 400 7,600
Bank Overdraft 10,000 Furniture 5,200
Creditors 16,000 (-) Depreciation 520 4,680
Outstanding Salary 1,800 Buildings 65,000
Outstanding Wages 200 Debtors 6,000
Unexpired Insurance 1,000
Closing Stock 15,000
1,03,280 1,03,280

Q.23 Prepare the trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet of M/s Control Device India on March 31, 2017 from the following balance as on that date.

Account Title
Drawings & Capital 19,530 67,500
Purchase & Sales 45,000 1,12,500
Salary & Commission 25,470 1,575
Carriage 2,700
Plant & machinery 27,000
Furniture 6,750
Opening stock 42,300
Insurance premium 2,700
Interest 7,425
Bank overdraft 24,660
Rent and Taxes 2,160
Wages 11,215
Returns 2,385 1,440
Carriage outwards 1,485
Debtors & Creditors 36,000 58,500
General expenses 6,975
Import duty (purchase) 530
Investment 41,400
2,73,600 2,73,600

Closing stock was valued ₹20,000.

  1. Interest on capital @10%.
  2. Interest on drawings @5%.
  3. Wages outstanding ₹50.
  4. Outstanding salary ₹20.
  5. Provide depreciation @5% on plant and machinery.
  6. Make a 5% provision on debtors.


Trading & Profit and Loss Account

As on 31st March, 2017

Particulars Particulars
To Opening Stock 42,300 By Sales 1,12,500
To Purchase 45,000 (-) Sales Return 2,385 1,10,115
(-) Purchase Return 1,440 43,560 By Closing Stock 20,000
To Carriage 2,700
To Wages 11,215
(+) Outstanding Wages 50 11,265
To Import duty 530
To Gross Profit 29,760
1,30,115 1,30,115
To Salary 25,470 By Gross Profit b/d 29,760
(+) Outstanding Salary 20 25,490 By Commission 1,575
To Rent & Taxes 2,160 By Interest 7,425
To Insurance Premium 2,700 By Interest on Drawings 977
To Carriage Outward 1,485 Net Loss 8,973
To General Expenses 6,975
To Interest on Capital 6,750
To Depreciation of Plant & Machinery 1,350
To Provision for Debtors 1,800
48,710 48,710
Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Capital 67,500 Furniture 6,750
(+) Interest on capital 6,750 Plant & machinery 27,000
(-) Loss (net) 8,973 (-) Depreciation @ 5% 1,350 25,650
(-) Drawings 19,530 Debtors 36,000
(-) Interest on Drawings 977 44,770 (-) Provision 11,800 34,200
Bank Overdraft 24,660 Investment 41,400
Creditors 58,500 Closing stock 20,000
Outstanding Wages 50
Outstanding Salary 20
1,28,000 1,28,000

Q.24 The following balances appeared in the trial balance of M/s Kapil Traders as on March 31, 2017:
Sundry debtors: ₹30,500
Bad debts: ₹500
Provision for doubtful debts: ₹2,000

The partners of the firm agreed to records the following adjustments in the books of the firm: further bad debts ₹300, Maintain provision for bad debts 10%.

Show the following adjustments in the bad debts account, provision account, debtors account, profit and loss account and balance sheet.


Dr. Bad Debts Account Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Date Particulars J.F.
2017 2017
Mar 31 To balance b/d 500 Mar 31 By Provision for Bad Debts A/c 800
Mar 31 To sundry Debtors A/c 300
800 800
Dr. Provision for Bad Debts Account Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Date Particulars J.F.
2017 2017
Mar 3 To Bad Debts A/c 800 Apr 1 By Balance b/d 800
Mar 31 To Balance c/d (new provision) 3,020 Mar 31 By Profit & Loss A/c 1,820
3,820 3,820
Dr. Debtors Account Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Date Particulars J.F.
2017 2017
Mar 31 To Balance b/d 30,500 Mar 31 By Further Bad Debts A/c 300
Mar 31 By Provision for Bad Debts A/c 3,020
Mar 31 By Balance c/d 27,180
30,500 30,500
Dr. Profit & Loss Account Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Date Particulars J.F.
To Bad Debts A/c 500
(+) Further Bad Debts 300 800
To Provision for Bad Debts
New 3,020
(-) Old 2,000 1,020
Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Sundry Debtors 30,500
(-) Bad Debts 300
(-) Provision (New) 3,020 27,180

Q.25 Prepare the bad debts account, Provision for account, profit and loss account and balance sheet from the following information as on March 31, 2017.
Debtors: ₹80,000
Bad debts: ₹2,000
Provision for doubtful debts: ₹5,000.
Adjustments: Bad debts ₹500. Provision on debtors @3%.


Dr. Bad Debts Account Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Date Particulars J.F.
2017 2017
Mar 31 To balance b/d 2,000 Mar 31 By Provision for Bad Debts A/c 2,500
Mar 31 To Debtors A/c 500
2,500 2,500
Dr. Provision for Bad Debts Account Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Date Particulars J.F.
2017 2017
To Bad Debts A/c 2,500 By Balance b/d

(Old Provision)

To Profit & Loss A/c (b/f) 115
To Balance c/d @3% on 79,500 2,385
5,000 5,000
Dr. Profit & Loss Account Cr.
Dt. Particulars J.F. Dt. Particulars J.F.
To Bad Debts 2,000 By Old Provision for doubtful debts 5,000
(+) Further Bad Debts 500
(+) New Provision for Bad Debts 2,385 4,885
To Balancing Figure 115
5,000 5,000
Balance Sheet

As on 31st March, 2017

Liabilities Assets
Debtors 80,000
(-) Bad Debts 500
(-) Provision for Bad Debts 2,385 77,115

Working Note:

₹2,500 + ₹2,385 – ₹5,000 = (₹115)

Q.26 Give the Performa of income statement and balance sheet in vertical form.


The vertical format of a Profit and Loss Account is given below. This too is more commonly used for Profit Statements and reporting.

Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2020
Gross Profit
Add: Other-Income:
Discount received
Commission received
Add; Non-Trading Income:
Bank Interest
Rent of Property let out
Dividend from Shares
Add: Abnormal Gains:
Profit on sale of machinery
Profit on sale of Investments
Less: Management expenses
Salaries (administrative)
Office rent, rate and taxes
Printing and Stationary
Telephone charges
Postage and Telegrams
Audit fees
Legal Charges
Electricity charges
Less: Maintenance expenses
Repairs & renewals
Deprecation on:
Office equipment
Office Furniture
Office Buildings
Less: Selling and Distribution expenses
Salaries (selling staff)
God own rent
Carriage outward
Bad Debts
Provision for bad debts
Selling Commission
Less: Financial expenses
Bank charges
Interest on Loan
Discount on Bills
Discount allowed to customers
Less: Abnormal Losses
Loss on sale of machinery
Loss on sale of Investment
Loss by fire
Net Profit (transferred to Capital A/c)

The vertical format is intended to help them gain a better understanding of the financial information presented by the accountants and therefore improve their decision making. The information shown previously is now presented in the vertical format.

Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2020
Fixed Assets:
Plant and Machinery
Delivery van
Current Assets:
Stock Debtors
Bills Receivables
Cash at Bank
Cash in Hand
Current Liabilities:
Bills Payable
Outstanding Expenses
Working Capital
Add: Net Profit

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is a closing stock?

The closing stock can be defined as the number of raw materials remaining unsold at the end of the accounting period. Based on the difference between the cost price and the value of its resale, the closing stock can be calculated.

2. What do you mean by the outstanding expenses?

When the expenditures of a business remain unpaid till the end of the accounting period, it is termed outstanding expenses. This may include the wages, salaries, loan interests and many more. 

3. What is accrued income?

The income that is earned in the current year but remains unreceived till the end of the year is known as accrued income. Some of these incomes include rent, commission, loan interests and many more.