ICSE Syllabus Class 9 Economic Applications

ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus

For those who want to study Economics or courses related to it in university and colleges, Economics in Class 9 serves as the foundation for studying Economics in higher classes. Having the subject’s syllabus in hand is crucial before we start studying any subject because doing so ensures that nothing is missed and that we perform well on our exams.

The Economic Applications ICSE Class 9 Syllabus operates similarly to assist students in building a solid foundation for the subject and continuing to prepare effectively for it in both Class 9 and Class 10. The Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus is also available here for those students who need it since Extramarks aims to make sure that every student gets what they need in order to succeed on exams.

The ICSE Class 9 Economics Applications Syllabus is available on the Extramarks website. An effective study programme can be made using the ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus to assess the subject’s fundamental organisation. To create a winning exam plan, candidates must fully comprehend the course material and the marking standards.

Apart from the Syllabus of Economic Applications ICSE Class 9, Extramarks also offers many other resources such as ICSE Solutions, I.S.C. & ICSE Syllabus, ICSE Sample Question Papers, ICSE Revision Notes, ICSE Important Questions, ICSE Question Paper and more.

Why Study Economics?

Economics has an impact on our lives, either overtly or covertly. Considering how much we save for future usage as well as how much we spend on leisure, efficiency, and other needs. Typically, there will be a fierce rivalry for the few available Economics courses in higher education. So it won’t be easy just to get a seat at the college.

Therefore, all of these factors must be considered when selecting a commerce group. Make sure you stand out in this group now that you’ve chosen it. You can earn better marks if you plan and prepare properly. All of the resources are available to students on the Extramarks website. To help students gain a solid foundation in economics and create a bright future for themselves, it is made conveniently accessible to them.

ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus: Overview


  • To acquaint students with the fundamental concepts and theories of economics.
  • To strengthen their intellectual abilities.
  • To give students practical experience in analysing Economic problems that they typically encounter.

Detailed ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus

There is a two-hour-long theory paper worth 100 marks, as well as an Internal assessment worth 100 marks. There are two parts to the paper. Short answer questions covering the full curriculum are found in Part I (obligatory). The questions in Part II call for in-depth answers. There is a choice of questions.

Chapter 1: Basic Concepts Of Economics

  • Economic terms and their definitions; Consumer, Producer, Household, and Government Economic entities. The significance of these Economics entities. The definition of an Economy and the function of its Economic entities.
  • Three main problems with an economy: What is to be produced? How to produce? Who are you producing for? Efficient use of resources; Fundamental terminology understanding Economic expansion and development
  • The characteristics of an Economy, including its type and classification—developed, undeveloped, and developing economies; capitalistic, socialist and mixed economies.

Chapter 2: An Overview Of Indian Economy

The primary sectors of the Indian economy are agriculture, industry, and services—the function of different sectors in the Indian economy and how they interact. Private and public sectors are categorised according to ownership, and rural and urban sectors are categorised according to the Economy.

Governmental initiatives: Avoid the construction of huge dams to generate hydroelectric power, which results in less land being flooded and fewer evictions.

Alternative cropping to prevent desertification and topsoil loss To stop soil erosion, plant grasslands and preserve them. Use of compost, green manure, bio-fertilisers and insecticides. These insecticides and fertilisers are environmentally friendly substitutes.

Mining, industries, energy production, automobiles and urbanisation contribute to the destruction of forests and hydrological resources.

Damage to the environment, pollution, health risks and land-based and aquatic (freshwater and marine) life impacts.

Actions to monitor the ecosystem increase the effectiveness of currently used technology and introduce new eco-friendly ones. Segregation, dumping, composting, drainage and treatment of effluents before discharge are all safe ways to dispose of garbage.

Pollution reduction.

Air: Establishing rules and putting them into practice while employing technical tools to cut down on pollution.

Considering national income, employment, and regional development, the importance of the service sector (in brief, no statistical data is required). Interdependence between the three industries (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary).

Chapter 3: Infrastructure Of The Indian Economy

Indian economy’s social and economic infrastructure. Social infrastructure includes housing, health care, education and family welfare.

Fundamental knowledge of India’s economic and social infrastructure and its role in that development. The issues of the lack of such infrastructure and how they hurt the economy is addressed.

Chapter 4: Consumer Awareness

Ways that consumers are taken advantage of. Reasons for consumer exploitation; rising consumer consciousness; consumer behaviour in the marketplace; and consumer rights. Legal safeguards that can prevent consumers from being taken advantage of include: (COPRA, R.T.I.).

Recognising the need to educate customers about their rights and the negative impacts of food adulteration.

Chapter 5: Globalisation

W.T.O., Globalisation’s objective and enabling conditions, and the effects of Globalisation

The definition of Globalisation. Technology and Liberalisation are two factors that promote globalisation (removal of trade barriers).

W.T.O. (principal goals), positive effects of globalisation, the establishment of M.N.C.s, and advantages for Indian businesses.

Why is ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus Important?

Students should be aware that the syllabus should always come first while planning any exam. This preparation requires careful planning, and that careful planning entails a syllabus in order to receive excellent marks. One of the rarest and most significant subjects is economic application. It is also quite fascinating. It is essential to perform well in your core subject if you have chosen to follow economics because it will be difficult to continue if you don’t.

Studying economics is crucial to get a firm grasp of the subject’s theoretical foundation. In addition, compared to other subjects, it is a strong tool. Everyone who selected business groups revolves around taxes, expenses, interest rates, etc. Now, this subject also has a connection to one of those topics. Additionally, this field helps understand the nuances, expands your vocabulary from a C.A. standpoint, and teaches you how to make the most of Economics tools.

Preparation Tips For ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus

The following are some of the top ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus tips:

  • Plan your day’s activities according to the course syllabus to cover the challenging material efficiently.
  • Make an effort to follow your daily study schedule and complete 90% of the daily study material.
  • You must adjust your weekly and monthly study schedules. Make a few adjustments to the timetable if you want to remember the majority of the information you learned. Exam questions from past year exams can be studied to help with subject comprehension.
  • Before studying, try to relax and stop worrying. Create an interesting lesson plan. You can alternate between studying and reading about your favourite subjects during the allotted study time.
  • Maintain your optimism and self-assurance. Observe the assignments you are given in class carefully. To increase conceptual understanding, speed, and accuracy, go through and solve many questions and past year question papers.
  • Get enough rest, eat healthy foods, and drink enough water throughout the day.

Some Tricks for ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus

  • Make A Study Plan: Before it’s too late, make a study plan. Plan out your coursework in detail. Practice the exam-style questions to help you comprehend the material better.
  • Increase Your Speed: To improve your speed and accuracy for the forthcoming exam, practise responding to inquiries from the previous ten years.
  • Changes Made in Light of Your Books: Read these because ICSE board questions frequently make reference to them. Continue reading the books the students have, please.
  • Maintain Your Physical Fitness: You must acknowledge the connection between your physical and mental health by maintaining your physical wellness. Taking a break and relaxing is always a smart idea, whether playing a game of badminton in the evening or simply going for a run in the morning to relieve tension.

Benefits of ICSE Class 9 Environmental Science Syllabus

  • If students adhere to the ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus, they may do better on exams and achieve higher scores.
  • The syllabus breaks down the course material for the academic year into chapters and subjects.
  • The course description includes information on the subjects studied in the course as well as any prospective creative assignments for the entire year.
  • Teachers frequently use the ICSE Class 9 Economic Applications Syllabus, available to students.
  • Experts prepared the syllabus after carefully and thoroughly analysing the curriculum.
  • Due to their familiarity with the format and method of examination for the topic of classical studies, students are less anxious.

ICSE Economic Applications Class 9 Syllabus

There is one theory paper of two hours duration of 100 marks and Internal Assessment of 100 marks. The paper consists of Part I and Part II. Part I (compulsory) contains short answer questions on the entire syllabus. Part II consists of questions that will require detailed answers. There is a choice of questions.

1. Basic Concepts of Economics

(i) Meaning and definition of Economics; Economic entities: Consumer, Producer, Households and Government. The importance of these economic entities.The meaning of an economy and role of the economic entities.

A basic understanding of the concepts of economics. The definitions of economics with reference to allocation of resources and scarcity of resources (Robbins, Samuelson). Basic explanation of the role of consumer, producer, government and households in an economy.

(ii) Three major problems of an economy: What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce? Efficient use of resources; basic understanding of the terms: economic growth and economic development

A brief introduction to the basic problems of an economy – What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce? needs to be emphasized irrespective of the type of an economy. Manner in which economics as a subject helps us to allocate scarce resources in an efficient way needs to be explained. The concept of economic growth and economic development should be explained.

(iii) The nature and the classification of an economy: developed, underdeveloped and developing economy; Capitalistic, Socialistic, Mixed economies – main features.

A basic understanding of the features of capitalistic, socialistic and mixed economies is required. Meaning and classification of economies into developing and developed should be explained.

2. An Overview of Indian Economy

The nature of Indian economy: the main sectors of Indian economy – Agriculture, Industry and Services. Role of these sectors in Indian economy and their interrelationship. The sectors according to ownership- private and public; the sectors according to type of economy – rural and urban.

Role of agriculture in India and its problems. Impact of Agricultural practices on the Ecosystem.

Construction of dams – loss of habitat species. Loss of top soil and desertification.

Indiscriminate use of fertilizers and pesticides.

Measures to check the ecosystem;

Governmental initiatives: not building large dams for generating hydro electric power which leads to less land being submerged and less displacement of people.

Alternative cropping for checking loss of topsoil and desertification. Plantation and conservation of grasslands to check soil erosion. Use of manure, bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides green manuring, compost. These are eco-friendly alternatives to pesticides and fertilizers.

Role of Industries in the Indian Economy. Impact of industrial practices on the ecosystem.

Mining, industries, energy generation, automobiles, urbanisation leading to defacement of land, deforestation, deterioration of hydrological resources.

Industrial waste: mining operations, cement factories, oil refineries, construction unit.

Spoilage of landscape, pollution, health hazards, effect on terrestrial, aquatic (fresh water and marine) life.

Measures to check the ecosystem. Improving efficiency of existing technologies and introducing new eco-friendly technologies. Methods of safe disposal of waste – segregation, dumping, composting, drainage, treatment of effluents before discharge.

Abatement of pollution.

Air: setting standards and implementing them, using technical devices to reduce pollution.

Importance of Service Sector – National Income, Employment and Regional Development (in brief, no statistical data required). Interdependence of all three sectors (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary).

Meaning of Private and Public sector with examples. Meaning of Rural and Urban sector with examples.

3. Infrastructure of the Indian Economy

Economic and social infrastructure of Indian economy. Social infrastructure- education, health, family welfare and housing.

A basic understanding of the economic and social infrastructure and its role in India’s economic development. The problems pertaining to lack of such infrastructure and their adverse impact on the economy to be discussed.

4. Consumer Awareness

Ways in which consumer is exploited. Reasons for exploitation of consumers; Growth of consumer awareness; consumer behaviour in the market; consumer rights. Legal measures available to protect consumers from being exploited – (COPRA, RTI).

Understanding the importance of educating consumers of their rights – awareness of food adulteration and its harmful effects.

5. Globalization

Meaning and factors enabling Globalization, WTO, impact of Globalization.

Meaning of globalization. Factors enabling globalization – technology and liberalization (removal of trade barriers).

WTO (main objectives), favourable impacts of the globalization – starting of MNC’s and benefits to Indian companies.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why study from the Class 9 Economic Applications ICSE Syllabus?

Only the students who choose the Commerce group will learn Economics. The primary topic for the Commerce group is Economics, which students cannot omit if they want to do well on their final exam. This topic is highly fascinating and beneficial for learning practical information. It explains to children how the world functions under the economic crisis, enabling them to be knowledgeable about every element as adults. This subject is taught in the ninth grade for that reason. However, students will learn more about it in-depth in higher-level courses.

2. How much are the passing marks for ICSE Board Class 9?

The passing score for this subject is the same as for any other subject; nevertheless, the importance of this subject is greater. Instead of focusing on passing grades, students should strive for high scores because they can improve their total marks in the final exam by taking this course. Therefore, it is essential to give this more importance. The qualifying marks are 45.

3. How can I excel in the Class 9 ICSE board syllabus?

When you have the necessary preparation, your chances of getting good marks are high. To succeed in any subject, you need to have a clear understanding. It’s important to practise enough. Refer to all the important questions and attempt to answer without seeing the answers. Take as many practice exams as you can. You are now prepared for the final exam.

4. Which is a more advantageous subject to study in college: Computers or Economics?

Equal weightage is given to both subjects. Additionally, they both come from distinct streams. Both of them lie under a distinct but equally important core. They cannot be compared to one another.