Linear Regression Formula

Linear Regression Formula

Linear regression is the most fundamental and widely utilised prediction analysis. One variable is regarded as an explanatory variable, while the other is regarded as a dependent variable.


Prediction analysis based on linear regression is the most fundamental and widely used method. In this idea, one variable is regarded as an explanatory variable, while the other is seen as a dependent variable. A modeller, for example, could wish to use linear regression to match people’s weights to their heights.

Those who have been to a store must have noticed how the size of an object directly impacts its price. When two quantities are compared, there is either growth or reduction in the value of both of them. It is also possible for one item to increase while the other declines and vice versa. When these two values are placed on a graph, it is discovered that they have a linear relationship. The Linear Regression Formula assists in defining the linear relationship that exists between the two values and how they are interdependent. Extramarks’ subject experts have come up with a brief explanation of the Linear Regression Formula. Students can download the Linear Regression Formula PDF from the Extramarks website.

Simple Linear Regression

A linear regression model called simple linear regression in Statistics has only one explanatory variable. The goal is to find a linear function (a non-vertical straight line) that, as accurately as possible, predicts the values of the dependent variable as a function of the independent variable for two-dimensional sample points with one independent variable and one dependent variable (typically the x and y coordinates in a Cartesian coordinate system). The term “simple” describes the relationship between the result variable and a single predictor. Students can comprehend the Simple Linear Regression and Linear Regression Formula from Extramarks’ reliable reference materials.

Multiple Linear Regression

Several explanatory variables are combined in a statistical process called multiple linear regression (MLR), also referred to as multiple regression. Modelling the linear connection between the explanatory (independent) factors and response (dependent) variables is the aim of multiple linear regression. Due to the fact that multiple regression takes into account several explanatory variables, it can be thought of as an extension of ordinary least-squares (OLS) regression.

Logistic Regression

Extramarks’ reference materials explain the fundamentals of Logistic Regression and how to implement it in Python. Logistic regression is a supervised classification technique at its core. For a given collection of characteristics (or inputs), X, the target variable (or output), y, can only take discrete values in a classification issue.

Logistic regression, contrary to common assumption, is a regression model. The model constructs a regression model to estimate the likelihood that a given data item belongs to the category labelled “1.” Logistic regression models the data using the sigmoid function, much as linear regression assumes the data follows a linear distribution.

Ordinal Regression

Ordinal regression, also known as ordinal classification, is a form of regression analysis used in Statistics to predict an ordinal variable, that is, a variable whose value exists on an arbitrary scale and where only the relative ordering of various values is meaningful. It is a challenge that falls in between regression and classification. Ordinal regression examples include ordered logit and ordered probit. Ordinal regression is frequently used in the Social Sciences, such as in the modelling of human preference levels. Ordinal regression is also known as ranking learning in machine learning.

Multinomial Regression

Multinomial logistic regression is a classification approach in Statistics that extends logistic regression to issues with more than two discrete outcomes. In other words, it is a model used to estimate the probability of several possible outcomes of a categorically distributed dependent variable given a collection of independent factors (which can be real-valued, binary-valued, categorical-valued, etc.).

Discriminant Analysis

Discriminant analysis is a flexible statistical tool that market researchers frequently employ to categorise observations into two or more groups or categories. To put it another way, discriminant analysis is used to allocate things to one of many recognised categories. To do any type of discriminant analysis, one must first collect a sample from this known group.

What is Linear Regression?

It is crucial and is used to easily analyse the interdependence of two variables. One variable will be regarded as an explanatory variable, while the rest will be regarded as the dependent variable. Linear regression is a technique for modelling the connection between independent and dependent variables. The linearity of the learnt connection simplifies interpretation. Linear regression models have long been utilised by statisticians, computer scientists, and others who work with numbers. A statistician, for example, could want to use a linear regression model to match people’s weights to their heights. Students now understand what linear regression is.

The Formula of Linear Regression

The Linear Regression Formula  is y = a + bx

Simple Linear Regression Formula Plotting

Extramarks’ educators give a thorough review of the Simple Linear Regression Formula Plotting. Students can benefit from using Extramarks’ study materials.

Properties of Linear Regression

The features of the regression line with the regression parameters b0 and b1 specified are as follows:

  • The line minimises the sum of squared discrepancies between observed and forecasted values.
  • The regression line intersects the mean of the X and Y variable values.
  • The regression constant (b0) is equal to the linear regression’s y-intercept.
  • The regression coefficient (b0) is the slope of the regression line that equals the average change in the dependent variable (Y) for every unit change in the independent variable (X).

What is Linear Regression Used for?

The Linear Regression Formula is used for:

  • The Linear Regression Formula is used to investigate engine performance using test data in autos.
  • The Linear Regression Formula can be utilised in market research studies and the analysis of consumer survey findings.
  • The Linear Regression Formula is extensively used in observational astronomy. A variety of statistical techniques and methodologies can be employed in astronomical data analysis, and entire libraries in languages such as Python are dedicated to astrophysical data analysis.
  • The Linear Regression Formula can also be used to examine the impact of marketing, price, and promotions on product sales.

Questions to be Solved

The Linear Regression Formula is one of the most challenging topics to understand. Students who use Extramarks’ study resources to solve problems can improve their academic performance and achieve their objectives. These sample questions have been carefully selected to assist students in learning and understanding the Linear Regression Formula. The language is simple to understand, allowing students to learn more and benefit more fully.

Conceptual clarity is required for students to perform effectively on tests or competitive exams. As a result, Extramarks offers students sample questions pertaining to the Linear Regression Formula. They can quickly acquire new knowledge and fully grasp the designated topic. Learning the Linear Regression Formula requires studying and comprehending topics and practising questions based on the Linear Regression Formula.

Standard Error in Linear Regression Formula:

The standard error around the regression line is defined as the average proportion that the regression equation over or under-predicts. SE denotes this standard error. The greater the coefficient of determination involved, the smaller the standard error and, as a result, a more accurate result.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Where can students obtain resources pertaining to the Linear Regression Formula?

The Extramarks website and mobile applications offer learning resources associated with the Linear Regression Formula. Extramarks’ subject-matter experts provide extensive explanations on the above topics. Students can obtain the Linear Regression Formula at any time and location by using the Extramarks website’s PDF download links.