Cube Root Formula

Cube Root Formula

Using the Cube Root Formula, one can calculate the cube root of any number. The cube root of a number is defined as the number that, when multiplied three times, becomes the original number. In radical form, a number’s cube root is represented by the symbol ∛. Using examples, let’s understand the Cube Root Formula.

Formula for Cube Root

Here is the formula for calculating the cube root: 

In the case where x is a cube root, it is equal to ∛x = ∛(y × y × y) = y

In addition, if y has an integer value, then x would be a perfect cube. 

What are Perfect Cubes?

The perfect cube of a number is the number multiplied by itself three times. Therefore, one gets a natural number when we take the Cube Root Formula of a perfect cube. 

Symbol of the Cube Root

∛ denotes the cube root, and “27 has a cube root equal to 3.”

Cubes of Some Numbers are as Follows

The following are some more examples of perfect cube numbers:

  1. The perfect cube of 2 is equal to 2 × 2 × 2 = 8
  2. The perfect cube of 3 equals 3 × 3 × 3 = 27
  3. The perfect cube of 4 equals 4 × 4 × 4 = 64
  4. The perfect cube of five equals 5 × 5 × 5 = 125 
  5. The perfect cube of 6 is 6 × 6 × 6 = 216
  6. The perfect cube of seven is 7 × 7 × 7 = 343
  7. The perfect cube of 8 equals 8 × 8 × 8 = 512
  8. The perfect cube of 9 equals 9 × 9 × 9 = 729
  9. The perfect cube of 10 equals 10 × 10 × 10 = 1000

Cube Roots (For Integer Results 1 Through 10)

  • One is the cube root of one
  • Two is the cube root of eight
  • The cube root of 27 is 3
  • The cube root of 64 is 4
  • 125 has a cube root of 5
  • 216 has a cube root of 6
  • 343 has a cube root of 7
  • The cube root of 512 is 8
  • 729 has a cube root of 9
  • The cube root of 1000 is 10

Cube Root of Negative Numbers

Negative numbers have negative cubes as well.


The cube root of -125 is -5 

Properties of Cube Roots

Property 1:

Numbers with 1 as their unit digit will also have 1 in their cubes.

The following are some examples:

1³  =  1

11³  =  1331

21³  =  9261

31³  =  29791 

Property 2:

Cubes 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 0 also have the same digits in their unit digits.

For example, 

14³  =  2744

15³  =  3375

16³  =  4096

20³  =  8000 

Property 3:

The cube of numbers ending in 2 will have 8 as its unit digit. In the same way, the cube of the numbers ending in 8 will have a unit digit of 2.

For example, 

12³  =  1728

18³  =  5832 

Property 4:

In the cube of the numbers with 3 as the unit digit, there will be a unit digit of 7. In the same way, the cube of numbers with the unit digit 7 will have a unit digit 3.

For example, 

13³  =  2197

27³  =  19683 

Property 5:

Even numbers have even cubes. Odd numbers also have odd cubes.

For example, 

18³  =  5832 (even)

27³  =  19683 (odd) 

Property 6:

The square of the sum of the cubes of the first natural number m is equal to the sum of their cubes.

That is,

1³ + 2³ + 3³ + ……. + m³  =  (1 + 2 + 3 + ….. + m)²

For example,

1³ + 2³ + 3³ + 4³  =  (1 + 2 + 3 + 4)²

1 + 8 + 27 + 64  =  (10)²

100  =  100 

Applications of Cube Root Formula

The following are a few major applications of the Cube Root Formula:

  • Equations in cubic form can be solved.
  • If you are given the volume of a cube, find its dimensions.
  • Give a more precise measurement of the apartment.

Cube Root Formula for Negative Numbers

Prime factorization is the best method for calculating the cube root of any number.

  • Perform the prime factorization of negative numbers as well.
  • The factors obtained should be divided into three groups, each containing the same number.
  • The cube root can be calculated by multiplying the factors in any one group.
  • It’s just that the product of three negative values gives us a negative value. In this case, the negative sign is represented by the cube root of the negative number.

To better understand the Cube Root Formula, let’s look at a couple of examples.

Examples on Cube Root Formula:

Example 1: Determine the cube root of 343


Find the cube root of 343

Based on the Cube Root Formula,

This is the cube root of 343: 343 = (7×7×7)

= 7

343 has a cube root of 7 as its value.

Example 2: Determine whether 512 is a perfect cube.


To find: Whether 512 is the perfect cube or not.

In order to determine the cube root, use the following formula:

Cube root of 512 = ∛512=∛(2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2)=∛(8×8×8)

= 8, which is an integer. Therefore, 512 is a perfect cube.

Answer: 512 is a perfect cube.

Example 3: If Ron’s age is the cube root of his grandmother’s age, and she is currently 64, calculate his age.


To find: Ron’s age if his age is the cube root of his grandmother’s age

His grandmother’s age = 64 years.

Using the Cube Root Formula,

Ron’s age= cube root of 64 = ∛64 years = 4 years.

Answer: Ron’s age is 4 years.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. In algebra, what is the Cube Root Formula?

In mathematics, the Cube Root Formula is used to represent any number in the form of its cube root, such that any number x has its cube root as 3√x = x1/3. The cube root of 125 is 5, since 5 × 5 × 5 = 125.