CBSE Sample Question Papers for Class 6

CBSE Sample Question Papers for Class 6 

Class 6 is the beginning of the secondary level of education for CBSE students as the subjects begin to diversify from this standard. Hence, to cope with  the different subjects that are introduced in this class, the students can get CBSE sample papers for class 6 on Extramarks website ee which are in accordance with the NCERT books and up to date with the CBSE syllabus and contain important questions for the complete preparation of the student. 

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 6 with Solutions

At Extramarks, we have CBSE sample papers for Class 6 for all subjects to help students prepare better for their examinations. In addition, students can also find CBSE syllabus and CBSE past years’ question papers on the website. They can access the learning material and enhance their understanding of concepts and problem-solving skills.

Sample Papers CBSE Class 6

CBSE sample papers for class 6 are thoroughly researched by different faculty members and contain frequently asked important questions which help the students to understand the examination pattern and the marking scheme of the CBSE board. Moreover, the sample papers are made according to the CBSE syllabus and can be found for all the subjects and by solving them students can score good marks in the final examinations. 

CBSE English Syllabus Class 6

The CBSE English Syllabus for Class 6 is diversified and contains many sub-categories which the students have to be familiar with if they want to score good marks and develop an understanding of the subject. 

The Grammar section (Language) consists of the following topics:-

  • Noun 
  • Pronoun 
  • Verbs 
  • Tenses 
  • Voice
  • Adjectives 
  • Adverbs 
  • Sentences and Phrases
  • Subject-Verb agreement 
  • Reported Speech
  • Framing Questions 
  • Prepositions 
  • Conjunctions 
  • Punctuation 

Applied Grammar portion consists of the following topics:-

  • Gap Filling Sentences 
  • Dialogue Completion 
  • Sentence Recording 
  • Editing 
  • Omission 
  • Sentence Transformer 

The Writing portion consists of the following topics:-

  • Formal Letter
  • Informal Letter
  • Diary Entry
  • Notice Writing
  • Message Writing
  • Debate 
  • Speech
  • Article 
  • Report 
  • Story Completion 

Literature section– ‘Honeysuckle’ has the following chapters:- 

Unit 1: Who Did Patrick’s Homework?

A House, A Home

Unit 2: How the Dog Found Himself a New Master! 

The Kite

Unit 3: Taro’s Reward

The Quarrel

Unit 4: An Indian – American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla


Unit 5: A Different Kind of School

Where Do All The Teachers Go?

Unit 6: Who I Am?

The Wonderful Words

Unit 7: Fair Play

Unit 8: A Game Of Chance 


Unit 9: Desert Animals 

What If

Unit 10: The Banyan Tree

Literature Section– ‘A Pact With The Sun’ has the following chapters:-

  1. A Tale of Two Birds
  2. The Friendly Mongoose 
  3. The Shepherd’s Treasure 
  4. The Old-Clock Shop
  5. Tansen 
  6. The Monkey and the Crocodile 
  7. The Wonder called Sleep
  8. A Pact with the Sun
  9. What happened to the Reptiles 
  10. A Strange Wrestling Match 

CBSE Mathematics Syllabus Class 6

CBSE Mathematics Syllabus for Class 6 comprises the following topics:-

Chapter 1: Knowing Our Numbers 

Chapter 2: Whole Numbers 

Chapter 3: Playing With Numbers

Chapter 4: Basic Geometrical Ideas

Chapter 5: Understanding Elementary Shapes

Chapter 6: Integers 

Chapter 7: Fractions 

Chapter 8: Decimals

Chapter 9: Data Handling

Chapter 10: Mensuration 

Chapter 11: Algebra

Chapter 12: Ratio and Proportion

Chapter 13: Symmetry 

Chapter 14: Practical Geometry

CBSE Hindi Syllabus Class 6 

Chapters from Vasant:

अध्याय 1: वह चिड़िया जो

अध्याय 2: बचपन

अध्याय 3: नादान दोस्त

अध्याय 4: चाँद से थोड़ी सी गप्पें

अध्याय 5: अक्षरों का महत्व

अध्याय 6: पार नज़र के

अध्याय 7: साथी हाथ बढ़ाना

अध्याय 8: ऐसे ऐसे

अध्याय 9: टिकट एल्बम

अध्याय 10: झांसी की रानी

अध्याय 11: जो देखकर भी नहीं देखते

अध्याय 12: संसार पुस्तक है

अध्याय 13: मैं सबसे छोटी होऊं

अध्याय 14: लोकगीत

अध्याय 15: नौकर

अध्याय 16: वन के मार्ग में

अध्याय 17: साँस – साँस में बांस

Chapters from Durva:

अध्याय 1: कलम

अध्याय 2: किताब

अध्याय 3: घर

अध्याय 4: पतंग

अध्याय 5: भालू

अध्याय 6: झरना

अध्याय 7: धनुष

अध्याय 8: रुमाल

अध्याय 9: कक्षा

अध्याय 10: गुब्बारा

अध्याय 11: पर्वत

अध्याय 12: हमारा घर

अध्याय 13: कपडे की दूकान

अध्याय 14: फूल

अध्याय 15: बातचीत

अध्याय 16: शिलॉन्ग से फ़ोन

अध्याय 17: तितली

अध्याय 18: ईश्वरचंद्र विद्यासागर

अध्याय 19: प्रदर्शनी

अध्याय 20: चिट्ठी

अध्याय 21: अंगुलिमाल

अध्याय 22: यात्रा की तैयारी

अध्याय 23: हाथी

अध्याय 24: डॉक्टर

अध्याय 25: जयपुर से पत्र

अध्याय 26: बढे चलो

अध्याय 27: ब्यर्थ की शंका

अध्याय 28: गधा और सियार

Chapters from Bal Ram Katha:

अध्याय 1: अवधपुरी में राम

अध्याय 2: जंगल और जनकपुर

अध्याय 3: दो वरदान

अध्याय 4: राम का वन गमन

अध्याय 5: चित्रकूट में भरत

अध्याय 6: दंडक वन में दस वर्ष

अध्याय 7: सोने का हिरन

अध्याय 8: सीता की खोज

अध्याय 9: राम और सुग्रीव

अध्याय 10: लंका में हनुमान

अध्याय 11: लंका विजय

अध्याय 12: राम का राज्याभिषेक

CBSE Science Syllabus Class 6

Chapter names of the Science Syllabus for Class 6:

Chapter 1: Food: Where Does it Come From? 

Chapter 2: Components of Food. 

Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric 

Chapter 4: Sorting Materials into Groups

Chapter 5: Separation of Substances

Chapter 6: Changes Around Us

Chapter 7: Getting to know Plants

Chapter 8: Body Movements 

Chapter 9: The Living Organism and their Surroundings

Chapter 10: Motion and Measurement of Distances

Chapter 11: Light, Shadows and Reflections 

Chapter 12: Electricity and Circuits  

Chapter 13:  Fun With Magnets

Chapter 14: Water

Chapter 15: Air Around Us

Chapter 16: Garbage In, Garbage Out 

CBSE Sanskrit Syllabus Class 6

Chapter names of Sanskrit Syllabus for Class 6:

अध्याय 1: शब्दपरिचय – I

अध्याय 2: शब्दपरिचय – II

अध्याय 3: शब्दपरिचय – III

अध्याय 4: विद्यालय 

अध्याय 5: वृक्षा 

अध्याय 6: समुद्रतट 

अध्याय 7: बकस्य प्रतीकार 

अध्याय 8: सूक्ति तस्ताबाक

अध्याय 9: क्रीडास्पर्धा  

अध्याय 10: कृषिका कर्मवीरा

अध्याय 11: पुष्पोत्सव 

अध्याय 12: दशम: त्वम् असि

अध्याय 13: विमानयनं रचयाम

अध्याय 14: अहह आ: च

अध्याय 15: मातुलचन्द्र !

Benefits of Solving CBSE Sample Question Papers for Class 6?

  • Students get accustomed to the exam pattern, marking scheme and time management after practising the CBSE past year question paper.

With the help of CBSE revision notes, students can answer all the questions with utmost accuracy.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Does CBSE release Class 6 sample paper?

Yes, CBSE released sample papers for Class 6.

2. Do questions come from CBSE sample papers?

 Yes, because the sample papers contain important questions from the past year question.