CBSE Class 2 Maths Syllabus
CBSE Class 2 Maths Syllabus for 2023-24 Exam
Class 2 mathematics is crucial in helping students acquire basic computational abilities. It focuses on basic geometry, shape and sizes, fundamentals of arithmetic and number principles, as well as working with larger numbers. The CBSE Class 2 Maths Syllabus is so designed that it allows the growing kids to understand the basics of mathematics easily without any fuss. In CBSE Syllabus for Class 2 Maths, the straightforward operations of two-digit addition and subtraction are replaced by word problems that are a little more challenging and call on students to interpret and comprehend computational methods in order to apply them in various contexts.
Students will be better able to establish a strategy for studying the chapter and correctly understand the new topics if they are thorough with the CBSE Class 2 Maths Syllabus 2023-24. The most qualified mathematics instructors on the examination board were responsible for developing the Class 2 CBSE Maths Syllabus. The young growing students will be able to build a solid foundation to grow and progress to higher levels.
CBSE Class 2 Math Syllabus for 2023-24 Examination
In order to grasp the more difficult concepts covered in senior-level lectures, it is necessary that students fully comprehend the topics covered in the CBSE Class 2 Maths Syllabus. While instructors and advisors would explain the concepts to students, they would also need to develop the habit of studying on their own. Students should be guided to understand the course outline and be familiar with the topics that have been covered.
Students will encounter both familiar and new concepts throughout the mathematics syllabus for the second grade. In order for students to move on to higher levels of education, it is imperative that they fully comprehend the material presented in this chapter. By consulting the syllabus, students can determine which topics they have already covered in their classes. It is essential that they obtain the course outline from a reputable source when they download it.
Class 2 Maths Syllabus
The Mathematics syllabus for CBSE class 2 is highly effective at fostering kids’ analytical growth as well as their primary abilities. The syllabus for Mathematics Class 2 includes topics such as shapes, numbers, addition, subtraction and other related concepts. The following concepts will be covered in the CBSE Syllabus for Class 2 Maths:
Chapter 1
What is Long, What is Round?
This chapter will discuss the size and properties of a number of different things. Students are tasked with recognising things based on a set of predetermined criteria.
Chapter 2
Counting in Groups:
This chapter explains the concept of a pair as it relates to group counting. Shoes and earrings are presented as illustrative examples here. In addition to that, it incorporates the idea of distinguishing more or less.
Chapter 3
How Much Can You Carry?
In this chapter, a pictorial illustration demonstrates how to calculate the mass of an object. The identification and comparison exercises make up the practice exercise.
Chapter 4
Counting in Tens:
In this chapter, adding and subtracting figures based on their tens place value is included.
Chapter 5
In this chapter, you will practice the fundamentals of analytical reasoning by locating patterns of designs and shapes that are similar to one another.
Chapter 6
The identification abilities of students are the primary focus of this chapter. An important part of the practice is identifying the animals to which each set of footprints belongs. Students are also required to write the names of the shapes that they are given.
Chapter 7
Jugs and Mugs:
It is written in the form of a story, and its purpose is to acquaint the students with the common objects that are used in our everyday lives.
Chapter 8
Tens and Ones:
The concept of the place value of different numerals is covered in this chapter. Only tens and ones will be discussed in this chapter because that is all that will be needed. The majority of the practice amounts consist of stories.
Chapter 9
My Funday:
This chapter reviews the fundamental idea that each day of the week is distinct from the others. Students will face a somewhat greater challenge in the portion of the practice exercise in which they are asked to determine which days come before and after a specific date.
Chapter 10
Add our Points:
Students are given their first taste of the fundamentals of mental mathematics in this chapter.
Chapter 11
Lines and Lines:
Several positions of lines, including standing lines, sleeping lines and slanting lines are discussed in detail here. In addition to that, it clarifies curved lines.
Chapter 12
Give and Take:
Using counting beads as a visual aid, the concepts of addition and subtraction with higher numbers are demonstrated. There are also synopses of the stories included in this chapter.
Chapter 13
The Longest Step:
This chapter provides an introduction to length and distance. It makes use of the fundamental ideas that children already understand about long and short in their vocabulary.
Chapter 14
Birds Come, Birds Go:
In this chapter, the exercise in the narrative incorporates a variety of different aspects, such as patterns, counting, carryover addition and so on.
Chapter 15
How Many Ponytails?
The students are given brief reading passages on numbers, and they are required to answer the questions that follow them.
General Points for Textbook Writers
- The following syllabus has been developed keeping the philosophy of the Yashpal Report and the National Focus Group for Teaching Learning Mathematics in view. Keeping in mind the reality of the number of hours that teaching actually takes place in the school, we have kept a thumb rule of 140 periods, of 30-40 minutes each, per year for Within this the number of periods allotted to each area is given in the syllabus. However, this is just to give an approximate idea of the weightage to be given to a particular topic by writers and others who are transacting the syllabus. This break- up of time should not be taken as an exact writ by teachers.
- We need to encourage the development of a culture of learning outside the classroom. If a topic is linked well with experiences, interesting exercises given then conceptual learning of math would continue beyond the 140
- The syllabus has been developed in five very natural streams flowing from Class I to Class V, which overlap very often, not only with each other but also with themes developed in other subjects that are being learnt
- While developing the study material, we expect the focus to be activities/exercises, built around children’s real-life experiences and from areas across the They need to be created in a manner that would meet more than one objective simultaneously, and cover more than one stream at the same time. Further, we must include extensions to activities as part of the main course material, and not as a supplement, for the learners who feel encouraged to do them. However, as for any activity or experience, the teachers would need to give enough leeway to children, or modify the activity, to suit their interests. In this context, it is important that children’s current local interests and enthusiasms be utilised to the maximum as opportunities for developing math concepts. Enough space, in various ways, must be given for this in the textbooks.
- Mathematics is about a certain way of thinking and reasoning. This should be reflected in the way the materials are written and other activities and exercises created. The teachers’ training should reflect this also. Particular stress must be given to allow the child to articulate her reasons behind doing an exercise in a certain way, for example, why she is continuing a pattern in a particular Such interactive learning will require the teacher to plan for more time to be given for certain concepts in the classroom, and the textbooks would need to allow for this.
- The Class I and II books would be workbooks with short notes for the teacher about suggestions for dealing with the particular topic. (In fact, such notes should probably be incorporated in all the primary books.) The Class I workbook and the other materials would be created with the view to consolidate the mathematical concepts and experiences that the child already has before she joins school, and to build on this
- The language used in the books for Classes III to V should be what the child would normally use and would
- The sequencing of the concepts should not be linear, but
- The book should not appear to be dry and should be attractive to children in various The points that may influence this include the language, the nature of descriptions and examples, inclusion or lack of illustrations, inclusion of comic strips or cartoons to illustrate a point, inclusion of stories and other interesting texts for children.
- While dealing with problems, the text books should have several situations with multiple correct Make the children aware that there can be several strategies for teaching a problem.
- The material regarding patterns should be created in a way that would allow the child to observe patterns to generalise them, and to develop her own
- The purpose is not that the children would learn known definitions and therefore never should we begin by definitions and explanations. Concepts and ideas generally should be arrived at from observing patterns, exploring them and then trying to define them in their own words. There should be no overt emphasis on remembering definitions in known standard forms in exactly the same
- Problem posing is an important part of doing Exercises that require children to
Classes at the
Elementary Level
CBSE Class 2 Syllabus
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. How many different mathematics chapters are included in the book for Class 2?
There are a total of 15 chapters included in the CBSE Mathematics Book for Class 2.
2. What is the course outline for the second-grade mathematics curriculum?
Students in the second grade will practice adding and subtracting three-digit integers as part of their mathematics curriculum. Numbers that are both odd and even, lines, counting, etc.
3. How can students benefit from using NCERT solutions for the CBSE Class 2 Math curriculum?
- Students in the second grade of the CBSE are given the opportunity to learn both new ideas and new vocabulary terms. In the same vein, they expand upon the fundamental arithmetic concepts of addition and subtraction that they already possessed.
- It is clear that the curriculum contains topics that are already well known as well as others that are brand new. When viewed from this perspective, the NCERT solution is really helpful.
- Students will need to receive initial instructions on lessons from an instructor, but with the assistance of this solution, they will be able to engage in self-study on their own time.
- Students are able to comprehend the issues on their own and come up with their own solutions to the problems, thanks to the clear and straightforward explanation that is broken down into logical steps.
4. Why is it important for students to be familiar with the CBSE Syllabus for Class 2 Math 2023-2024?
- Students will acquire new ideas and concepts via the use of all of the chapters that are included in the CBSE Curriculum for Mathematics Grade 2.
- These chapters will eventually serve as the foundation for the sequels that take place in the upper classes.
- Students are likely to have difficulty with topics that are similar when they reach higher grades if they do not have sufficient clarity in them.
- The mathematics curriculum for the second grade of the 2023-2024 school year has been produced in accordance with the guidelines of the CBSE Council, and all exam questions will come from the chapters covered in this curriculum.
5. Which books are to be followed for CBSE Class 2 mathematics?
For Class 2 Mathematics, following the NCERT BOOKS will be enough
6. How can one effectively prepare using the CBSE SYLLABUS for Class 2 mathematics?
- The CBSE Class 2 Mathematics Curriculum Guide illustrates how learning should be a straightforward process. Before moving on, it is necessary to read the material very attentively.
- Active learning is beneficial in this situation. When students encounter material that is beyond their comprehension, they have the option of writing notes on it.
- The questions need to be discussed and clarified with the instructors or the directors.
- After that, review the questions with them to determine whether or not you can answer them on your own.