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Class 11 Mathematics Revision Notes for Principle of Mathematical Induction of Chapter 4
Extramarks offers reliable and easy-to-understand revision notes for CBSE Class 11 Mathematics Chapter 4 – Principle of Mathematical Induction. These notes will help students revise important formulas and theorems to solve mathematical problems. By referring to these notes, students can have a clear understanding of the basics of this chapter, which will be an advantage to scoring better marks in the exams. Students can access the notes provided for this chapter easily from the Extramarks’ website.
- Deduction: Generalisation of Specific Instance
Consider the following statements :
- Gita is a girl.
- All girls are humans.
- Therefore, Gita is a human.
For understanding deduction, valid deductive steps are derived and the proof is established from a conjecture.
The deduction is the application of a general case to a particular case.
- Induction: Specific Instances to Generalisation
Induction is the generalisation of a particular case considered in the deduction. Therefore, if we say Rita is also a girl, then we can say that Rita and Gita are both girls, therefore, Rita and Gita are both humans. This statement is true for n = 1, n = k and n = k + 1 and is also true for all natural integers n.
- Steps of Principle of Mathematical Induction :
Step 1: P (n) is a statement which involves the natural number n.
Step 2: Show that P(1) is correct.
Step 3: Assume that P (k) will be correct.
Step 4: Find out with the help of step 3 to prove that P(k + 1).
Step 5: Hence, whenever P(k) is true, P(1) is true and P(k + 1) is true.
Thus, according to the Principle of Mathematical induction, P(n) is true for all natural integers n.
Prove that 2n n for all positive integers n
Solution :
Step 1 : Let P(n) : 2n n
Step 2 : When n = 1, 21 1. Hence, P(1) is true.
Step 3: Assuming that P(k) is true for any positive integer k, i.e 2k k …….(1)
Step 4: Now we prove that P(k+1) is true whenever P(k) is true.
Multiplying both sides of (1) by 2,
P(k + 1) is true whenever P(k) is true.
Hence, by the Principle of Mathematical Induction, P (n) is true for every positive integer n.
Class 11 Mathematics Chapter 4 Notes Mathematical Induction – In a Nutshell
Proving theorems or statements is the main aim of the Principle of Mathematical Induction. For the theorem to be considered accurate, it should stand true for every natural number. Without solving extensive equations, this theorem can provide a method for solving problems numerically. These methods are necessary for simplifying many real-life application problems like in the stream of computer science.
Reviewing the basics of this theorem from Class 11 Mathematics Chapter 4 Revision Notes for Principle of Mathematical Induction by Extramarks will help students quickly grasp the principles of deduction and induction.
When answering questions about the Principle of Mathematical Induction, keep the following in mind:
- The primary goal is to offer evidence to support the stated claim.
- The demonstration must be valid for all natural number values.
- For the original value to be considered, the assertion must be accurate.
- Until the nth iteration, the statement should apply to all other values.
- Each step of the proof must be supported by evidence and be true.
Principle of Mathematical Induction Class 11 – Revision Notes
A revision of this chapter is crucial for developing reasoning and logical skills to ensure scoring well in the exams.
(i) Mathematical Induction Class 11 Notes – Principle of Mathematical Induction
The two principles involved are :
- Deduction
- Induction
This chapter deals specifically with Induction. A brief idea of the deduction is that it is based on the generalisation of certain specific instances to derive conclusions. Consider the following example to understand these topics better:
- Deduction: Drawing a conclusion from some given facts or statements.
For example,
Statement 1: Vikram is a man.
Statement 2: All men drink water.
Conclusion: Therefore, Vikram drinks water.
Thus, the conclusion is drawn from the two given statements.
- Induction: Specific instances are provided from which conclusions are drawn related to generalisations.
For example,
Statement 1: Vikram drinks water.
Statement 2: Harsh drinks water.
Statement 3: Vikram and Harsh are men.
Conclusion: All men drink water.
Thus, in induction, these statements provide us with specific instances, from which a generalised statement can be concluded.
To solve questions related to both these concepts, conceptual clarity and a strong foundation of the subject needs to be created. Referring to the Revision Notes for Principle of Mathematical Induction Class 11 Chapter 4 written by the subject matter experts of Extramarks can benefit students greatly. The numerical to be solved by this method can be done easily if the understanding of topics is crystal clear.
Hence, if a statement is true for a value of n, where n=1,
And the statement is true for another value, n=k,
Then the statement is valid for a value, n=k+1.
Therefore, if one statement is true for all the values mentioned above, it will mostly be valid for all other values of n, provided they are natural numbers.
- Class 11 Mathematics Chapter 4 Notes – Steps in Mathematical Induction
Recollecting the steps for solving a question related to Class 11 Mathematics Chapter 4 could be difficult as many times students may rote learn the method. Understanding the method thoroughly is extremely necessary to score better marks in the exam. By accessing the revision notes by Extramarks for Class 11 Mathematics Chapter 4 Notes, students can strengthen their basics of mathematical induction.
The pointers given below are crucial for the revision of this chapter:
The steps involved in solving any questions on this topic are:
- Consider P(n) to be a given statement in terms of n.
- Prove that P(1) is true.
- Considering that P(k) is also correct.
- After P(k), Ensure that P(k+1) is also true.
- Both P(k) and P(k+1) are true.
Thus, by the Principle of Mathematical Induction, P(n) is true for all values of natural numbers n. Revision of this method is extremely necessary to ensure not miss any vital steps. The concepts in this chapter emphasise the methodical solving of the asked questions, instead of just the answer to the question. The conclusion should be mentioned clearly and the statement “According to the Principle of Mathematical Induction, this holds” is necessary.
iii. Mathematical Induction Class 11 Notes – Illustrated Example
The subject of Mathematical Induction is not difficult to produce on paper, but the concepts should be clear for applying the right logic to solve the questions. The Revision Notes for Principle of Mathematical Induction include all the right pointers for adding an advantage to the exam preparation strategy. An illustrated example is given below to ensure that students can grasp the basic concept of this chapter.
Question: Prove that 2n > n, for all positive integers that n can hold.
In order to solve this question, the following steps must be followed.
- Step 1: Let P(n): 2n > n.
- Step 2: When n =1, 21 = 2, which is greater than 1. Thus, P(1) is true.
- Step 3: Assuming P(k) is valid for any natural number k, 2k > k.
- Step 4: Now, you have to prove that P(k+1) is also true, as P(k) is true.
Now, the equation 2k > k, so we multiply each side by 2.
Then we get 21. 2k > 2. k.
or, 2(1+k) > 2k
or, 2(1+k) > k + k
or, 2(1+k) > k + 1 since, k>1
Hence, it can be seen that P(k+1) is true when P(k) is true.
Thus, by the Principle of Mathematical Induction, P(n) stands true for all values of n which are natural numbers.
Q.1 Prove by the method of induction that every even power of every odd integer greater than 1 when divided by 8 leaves the remainder 1.
Q.4 Prove that: 2.7n + 3.5n – 5 is divisible by 24.
Q.6 Prove that 7n – 3n is divisible by 4 for all n ∈ N.
Q.8 Prove that 1.2 + 2.3 + 3.4 + … + n(n +1) = n( n +1)(n + 2)/3.
Q.9 Prove that : 2n > n for all positive integers n.
Q.11 Prove that: 1 + 3 + 5 +…+ (2n – 1) = n2.
Q.12 Prove that: 1 + 2 + 3 +…+ n = n(n + 1)/2 for all n ∈ N.
Q.13 Suppose P(n): n(n+1)(n+2) is divisible by 6. Show that P(1), P(2) and P(3) are true.
P(n) = n(n + 1)(n + 2)
P(1) = 1(1 + 1)(1 + 2) = 6 divisible by 6
P(2) = 2(2 + 1)(2 + 2) = 24 divisible by 6
P(1) = 3(3 + 1)(3 + 2) = 60 divisible by 6
Hence P(1), P(2) and P(3) are true.
Q.14 Let P(n)be statement 3n ≥ n!. where n is a natural number, then show that P(n) is true for n =1 and 2 .
P(1): 3 > 1! = 3 > 1 , which is true.
P(2): 6 > 2! = 6 > 2, which is true.
Q.15 If P(n) be the statement an + abn is divisible by a, show that P(1) and P(2) are true.
P(n) : an + abn is divisible by a
P(1) : a + b which is is divisible by a.
P(2): a2 + ab2 = a(a + b2), which is is divisible by a.
Hence P(1) and P(2) are true.
Q.17 If P(n) : 72n + 23n – 3 3n – 1 is divisible by 25, show that P(1) and P(2) are true.
P(n) : 72n + 23n – 3 3n – 1
P(1) : 72 + 23 – 3 3 1 – 1 = 49 + 20 3 0 = 49 + 1 = 50
P(2) : 72.2 + 23.2 – 3 3 2 – 1 = 2401 + 24 = 2425
Which is divisible by 25 only.
Q.18 13 + 23 + 33 + … + 10003 = K2 . Find the value of K.
We have,
13 + 23 + 33 + … + 10003 = K2 , Σn3 = K2 from n = 1 to 1000.
{1000(1000 + 1)/2}2 = K2
Therefore, K = 250250.
Q.19 Show that a2n – b2n (a, b are distinct rational numbers) is divisible by a – b for n = 1, 2 and 3.
For n = 1,
a2n – b2n = a – b which is divisible by a – b
For n = 2,
a2n – b2n = a4 – b4 = (a2 – b2)(a2 + b2) = (a – b)(a + b)(a2 + b2) Which is divisible by a – b
For n = 3
a2n – b2n = a6 – b6 = (a2 – b2)(a2 + b2 + ab) = (a – b)(a + b)(a2 + b2 + ab) Which is divisible by a – b.
Q.20 What do you mean by Principle of mathematical induction?
To prove certain results or statements that are formulated in the terms of n with a well-suited principle that is user-based on the specific technique, where n is a positive integer, is known as the principle of mathematical induction.
Q.21 What is the main application of Principle of Mathematical Induction?
The principal of mathematical induction is used to prove the mathematical truth in the form of well defined statement or formula.
Q.22 What is the main drawback of Principle of Mathematical Induction?
The principal of mathematical Induction cannot be used to –
(i) establish a formula.
(ii) solve a equation.
(iii) calculate or operate any mathematical operation.
(iv) any operation other than proof.
Q.23 What do you mean by Principle of Mathematical Induction method?
In Principal of Mathematical Induction method, we proceed from particular cases to general cases.
Q.24 What do you mean by Principle of Mathematical Deduction method?
In Principle of Mathematical Deduction method, we proceed from general cases to particular cases.
Q.25 What is the basic assumption in Principle of Mathematical Induction?
First, we test P(n) for n = 1. If it is true, then we let n = k and on the basis of this, we test for n = k + 1.
Q.26 Write the algorithm for Principle of Mathematical Induction.
Step-I Obtain the statement P(n).
Step-II Test P(n) is true for n=1.
Step-III Let P(n) is true for n=k.
Step-IV Test P(n) is true for n=k+1 by using step III.
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Is the Principle of Mathematical Induction a difficult chapter?
Class 11 Chapter 4 Mathematics – Principle of Mathematical Induction, is a very easy-to-understand chapter with simple examples for solving practical application questions. Extramarks provides revision notes for Class 11 Chapter 4, Principle of Mathematical Induction which covers the important points from all topics of the chapter. Reviewing this chapter before exams can strengthen the concepts involved in understanding the method explained in the chapter.
2. How to refer to the revision notes for Class 11 Chapter 4 Mathematics?
- The Revision Notes for Principle of Mathematical Induction by Extramarks are created by subject matter experts based on the CBSE guidelines of the NCERT curriculum.
- The chapter notes have the entire concepts of the given topic explained lucidly way, with the use of many mathematical numerical.
- The concepts can be revised from these notes and the questions provided in NCERT can be solved with this understanding to obtain an overview of the topic.
- Principle of Mathematical Induction very scoring chapter. Once the method is understood, students will be more confident in answering the examination questions.