Hydrocarbons Class 11 Notes CBSE Chemistry Chapter 13

Hydrocarbons Class 11 Notes  Chemistry Chapter 13

In Chemistry, organic compounds made of hydrogen and carbon atoms are referred to as hydrocarbons. The classification of hydrocarbons, alkenes, alkanes, and alkynes as well as their toxicity and carcinogenicity are among the topics that students will learn about in Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 13. Additionally, students will be able to understand equations and work on a variety of issues.

Extramarks Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 13 Notes provides easy access to a thorough explanation of every significant chapter topic. We have given students step-by-step notes for all classes to help them solve all of the questions and understand concepts efficiently. In this way, students will become adept at correctly answering the questions and earn better grades with the help of properly illustrated notes.

Revision Notes for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 13 – Hydrocarbons

Class 11 Hydrocarbons Notes

The entirety of this Chemistry Class 11 Chapter 13 Notes focuses on the Class 11 hydrocarbons revision materials. First off, “hydrocarbons” only refer to compounds made of hydrogen and carbon. Particularly, hydrocarbons are essential to our way of life.

Moreover, the fractional distillation of petroleum is how kerosene, diesel, and gasoline are produced. The same destructive distillation of coal is used to produce coal gas. All of these fuel types, which are energy sources, contain a mixture of hydrocarbons.

Aromatization, combustion, oxidation, and free radical substitution are some of the most significant alkenes reactions. Alkynes and alkenes also experience different reactions. The fact that these are addition reactions—primarily electrophilic additions—is particularly noteworthy. Despite being unsaturated, electrophilic substitution reactions occur most frequently with aromatic hydrocarbons.


This chapter will help students to do the following : 

  • Naming hydrocarbons following the IUPAC nomenclature;
  • Learn to identify and write the structures of isomers of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic hydrocarbons.
  • Discover different ways to prepare hydrocarbons. 
  • Distinguish between alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic hydrocarbons based on their physical and chemical properties. 
  • Draw and distinguish between different conformations of ethane.
  • Acknowledge the importance of hydrocarbons as energy sources and in other industrial applications.
  • Learn about the structure of benzene, explain aromaticity, and the mechanism of electrophilic substitution reactions of benzene. 
  • Comprehend the directive influence of substituents in monosubstituted benzene rings. 
  • Predict the formation of the addition products of unsymmetrical alkenes and alkynes based on electronic mechanisms.

Topics Covered Under Class 11 Chemistry

Class 11 Chemistry includes a variety of subjects, such as:

  • Some basic concepts of Chemistry
  • Classification of the Elements & Periodicity in Properties
  • Structure of Atom
  • States of Matter – Liquids and Gases
  • Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure
  • Equilibrium
  • Thermodynamics
  • Redox Reactions
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Environmental Chemistry (Not from an examination point of view)

Sub-Topics Covered Under Hydrocarbons

Alkanes – Alkanes are single-bonded organic compounds that only contain hydrogen and carbon atoms.

Conformation of Alkanes – Alkanes’ conformation refers to how different isomers of alkanes form as a result of minute structural modifications.

Preparation of Alkenes and Nomenclature – This section primarily addresses alkene preparation and alkene nomenclature.

Preparation of Alkynes and Nomenclature – Alkynes are named by counting the number of carbons in the longest continuous chain, and they are prepared in a manner that is largely similar to that of alkenes.

Preparation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Nomenclature – The naming of aromatic hydrocarbons occurs as benzene derivatives, as per the IUPAC system. In contrast, different processes are used to prepare them, with isolating coal tar is the most popular.

Properties of Alkanes – Alkanes are known as the unsaturated form of hydrocarbons and have several properties.

Properties of Alkynes – Alkynes, the third type of hydrocarbon, are characterised by having at least one triple bond between two carbon atoms.

Properties of Aromatic Hydrocarbons – Aromatic hydrocarbons are known as cyclic hydrocarbons because they have delocalized pi electrons between the carbon atoms in their rings.

Importance of Class 11 Chemistry Hydrocarbons Notes 

When only carbon and hydrogen atoms are present in an organic compound, the compound is called a hydrocarbon. Depending on the kind of C-C bond present, they can be categorised as saturated, unsaturated, or aromatic hydrocarbons. Saturated hydrocarbons contain only one C-C bond. They are also called alkanes. Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain a minimum of one carbon-carbon triple bond or carbon-carbon double bond (alkene) (alkyne). A specific subclass of cyclic compounds is aromatic hydrocarbons, which are also referred to as arenas.

With the help of the Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 13 Notes, students can review the entire syllabus well before the exams. The revision notes for hydrocarbons cover the key formulas and concepts from this chapter. These quick revision notes are ideal for a quick chapter overview as well. 

Every student should take Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 13 Notes because:

  • The Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 13 Notes contain all the essential information for the entire chapter.
  • Because it is written by subject experts, the Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 13 Notes notes are accurate as well as simple to understand.
  • Students will be able to plan ahead and complete their study of this chapter for their examinations because they will have notes for the formulas, important points, and more related information.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why should students refer to the Chapter 13 Chemistry Class 11 Notes?

Given how challenging Chemistry is, students should practise as much as they can. Reading through revision notes is essential because they cover a wide range of topics and concepts, giving you a solid understanding of each concept in the chapter. The Chapter 13 Chemistry Class 11 Notes by Extramarks are well-organised and follow the Class 11 syllabus. These notes are easily accessible as well.

2. What are the four types of hydrocarbons?

Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons are the two different types of hydrocarbons. Aliphatic hydrocarbons include alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes. An aromatic hydrocarbon is benzene. Hydrocarbons come in four different types. These include aromatic hydrocarbons, alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes (also known as hydrocarbons). Alkanes are the most basic types of hydrocarbons. Butane, propane, ethane, and methane are the main constituents of hydrocarbons in general. Extramarks provide access to information on all the different types of hydrocarbons, which is necessary to gain a thorough understanding of their characteristics and preparation for chemistry exams.