CBSE Class 10 Science Revision Notes Chapter 7

CBSE Class 10 Science Revision Notes Chapter 7 – Control and Coordination

Scoring well in the Class 10 board examinations is essential to secure admission in a desired university or college. Science is a subject that requires a lot of attention and time to cover. The course is vast and so students have to study well and revise all the chapters to perform well. Thus, to help students, Extramarks has provided Class 10 Chapter 7 Science Revision Notes on its platform. Students can find revision notes for all the chapters including Chapter 7 – Control and Coordination. The chapter covers several concepts and needs to be revised properly. These Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Notes will help students learn thoroughly.

CBSE Class 10 Science Revision Notes for the Year 2022-23

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CBSE Class 10 Science Revision Notes
Sr No. Chapters
1 Chapter 1 – Chemical Reactions and Equations
2 Chapter 2 – Acids, Bases and Salts
3 Chapter 3 – Metals and Non-metals
4 Chapter 4 – Carbon and Its Compounds
5 Chapter 5 – Periodic Classification of Elements
6 Chapter 6 – Life Processes
7 Chapter 7 – Control and Coordination
8 Chapter 8 – How do Organisms Reproduce?
9 Chapter 9 – Heredity and Evolution
10 Chapter 10 – Light Reflection and Refraction
11 Chapter 11 – Human Eye and Colourful World
12 Chapter 12 – Electricity
13 Chapter 13 – Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
14 Chapter 14 – Sources of Energy
15 Chapter 15 – Our Environment
16 Chapter 16 – Management of Natural Resources

CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 7 – Control and Coordination Revision Notes – (Add revision notes PDF)

Access Class 10 Science Chapter 7 – Control and Coordination

Here’s an overview of the Chapter 7 Science Class 10 Notes:

Animals- Nervous System:

  1. In animals, the nervous system is an organ system that governs and organises many body-relevant activities. The nervous system comprises the brain, spinal cord, and a vast network of nerves that run throughout the body.
  2. The nervous system is in charge of sending, receiving, and processing messages through chemical signals known as impulses.
  3. Nervous tissue comprises a well-organised network of nerve cells or neurons. It uses electrical impulses to transport information from one body region to another. The neuron is the fundamental unit of the nervous system.
  4. Each neuron comprises three components: the cell body, branching projections, and the lengthy process that leads from the cell body.
  5. A synapse is the junction of two neurons.
  6. Nerves are tissue strands that protrude from the brain and spinal cord. Nerves are essential for transmitting messages throughout the body and branch out to all locations.
  7. Neurons, or nerve cells, exist in various forms and sizes.
  8. Sensory nerves carry information from the sense organs to the brain or spinal cord.
  9. Motor neurons send information from the brain or spinal cord to all of the muscles and glands in the body.
  10. An interneuron, also known as a relay neuron, is a kind of neuron that links neurons in various regions of the central nervous system.

What happens in Reflex Actions?

The term “reflex” is frequently used to describe a quick activity responding to anything in the environment. A reflex action is a spontaneous and nearly instantaneous movement in response to stimuli. The body creates reflex activity in reaction to its surroundings.

It is no surprise that the body’s thinking tissue comprises dense networks of precisely organised neurons. It is located at the front of the skull and receives signals from throughout the body, which it considers before reacting. 

This thinking region of the brain in the skull must be linked to nerves coming from other sections of the body to receive these messages. Nerves must transport this signal back to other regions of the body if this section of the brain is to direct muscles to move.

Upon their route to the brain, nerves from all over the body congregate in a bundle in the spinal cord. Albeit the information input reaches the brain, reflex arcs occur in the spinal cord. Reaction arcs originated in animals since this brain’s reasoning process is too slow. 

Most species have very few or no intricate neuron networks required for thinking. As a result, reflex arcs are likely to have developed as practical means of operating without actual mental processes. However, even when complex neuron networks have been developed, reflex arcs remain more efficient for fast reactions.

Human Brain:

The brain is divided into three primary portions or regions: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. The forebrain is the central region of the brain that thinks. It contains areas that receive sensory signals from numerous receptors. 

Hearing, smell, sight, and other senses have their own parts of the forebrain. There are distinct regions of association where sensory information is processed by combining it with information from other receptors and previously stored in the brain. 

Based on all this, a choice on how to respond is formed and the information is sent to the motor areas that govern the activity of voluntary muscles, such as our leg muscles.

What safeguards are in place for the tissues?

The brain is protected by the skull’s solid bones and cerebrospinal fluid, which absorbs extra shock.

What is the mechanism by which the nervous system causes action?

When a nerve signal reaches muscle fibres, it must move. Muscle cells shorten as their shape changes. In response to nerve electrical signals, specific proteins in muscle cells change their shape and arrangement inside the cell. When this happens, the muscle cells change form due to new protein groupings.

  • Plant coordination: 

Every biological creature responds to its surroundings. Plants respond to stimuli through chemicals secreted by cells. Plants, like all other living things, move about. Plants move in two ways: one that is reliant on growth and one that is not.

Plants employ electrical and chemical methods to convey information from cell to cell, but plants have no specific information transmission tissue. Plants respond to stimuli gradually by growing in a specified direction. The plant appears to be moving due to its directed growth.

  • Directional movements: 

Tropic movement is sometimes referred to as directed movement. These motions might be in either direction, toward or away from the stimulus.

  • Positive phototropism refers to shoots that bend towards the light in response to it. Shoots growing away from the earth exhibit negative geotropism.
  • When roots bend away from light, this is referred to as negative phototropism. As they develop closer to the earth, they exhibit positive geotropism.
  • Hydrotropism is a form of growth response in which the growth direction is determined by water stimuli.
  • Chemotropism is the increasing movement of a plant component in response to a chemical stimulus.
  • Animal hormones: 

The endocrine system consists of ductless glands that produce chemical substances known as hormones. Endocrine glands secrete hormones straight into the circulation. Hormones are chemical messengers that enter the circulation and act on specific organs.

Endocrine Glands

Endocrine glands include the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the hypothalamus, the thyroid, the parathyroid, the thymus, the adrenal gland, the pancreas, the testes, and the ovary. There are three main distinctions within endocrine glands. 

These are as follows: 

  • Adrenal Glands
  • Thyroid Gland
  • Pituitary Gland


There are two types of Gonads in humans: female gonads and male gonads. 

The Pineal Gland:

The pineal gland is located in the brain’s centre, dorsal to the diencephalon, and produces the hormone melatonin. Melatonin influences reproductive development, waking and sleep patterns, and seasonal functions.

The Hypothalamus:

The hypothalamus is a neuroendocrine brain area that links the neurological and endocrine systems through the pituitary gland, which secretes chemicals such as somatostatin and dopamine.

Control and Coordination Notes Science Chapter 7 – PDF Download

Essential Topics in Control and Coordination Class 10 Notes

Here is a list of essential topics from Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 7 that you shouldn’t miss. 

  1. Animal – Nervous system
  2. Coordination in Plants
  3. Hormones in  Animals 

The Nervous System

We study three distinct types of nervous systems in Class 10 Chapter 7 Science Notes, which are covered in depth in this section.

  1. Central Nervous Systems (CNS): CNS is protected by three main layers: bony skull (cranium), cerebrospinal fluid, and meninges (Dura mater, Arachnoid, and Pia mater). 
  2. Peripheral Nervous System: These are the nerves that the brain and spinal cord send out to allow the human peripherals to operate and coordinate with the brain. There are 12 cranial nerves and 31 spinal nerves in this neurological system. 
  3. Somatic Nervous System: Some portions of the peripheral nervous system contain the somatic nervous system. It is composed of nerves, which are in charge of controlling all voluntary motions.


Dendrites, Cyton, and Axon are the three major components of neurons. Dendrites are responsible for receiving impulses from other neurons. The dendritic impulse will be processed by the Cyton. Once the impulse has been processed by the Cyton, the Axon sends it to another neuron or the muscle and glands, depending on the situation.

Different Parts of The Brain and Their Importance

  1. Cerebrum

It is in charge of reasoning, logic, emotions, communication, memory, auditory and taste inputs, and so forth. If this portion of the brain does not function properly, the individual may be unable to hear or talk.

  1. Cerebellum 

The cerebellum controls the body’s motions, including walking, running, sitting, posture, and balance.

  1. Pons 

This is the brain’s relay network, which aids signal transmission from the hindbrain to the forebrain. 

  1. Medulla Oblongata 

This portion of the brain controls all of our body’s involuntary motions. The Medulla Oblongata regulates the vomit you feel, the sneeze you create, and the yawn you take. This section of the brain will also continue to the spinal cord, which follows the vertebral column and governs all of the human body’s reflex functions.

Benefits of Learning Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Notes

There are several benefits of using Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Notes. Some of them are mentioned over here. 

  • Students study how our bodies operate and how they coordinate with the brain and receive signals from the brain from Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Notes.
  • When they learn about body control and coordination, they can rapidly solve and offer solutions to problems from this chapter on the board test.
  • Learning other aspects of life will be much easier if one can grasp its operation in depth by referring to these revision notes.

Autonomic Nervous System

The last nerve system is ANS. The autonomic nervous system comprises all the nerves responsible for the automatic activities of the human body. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is split into two parts: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system (ANS) prepares the body for the intensive physical activity that is going to occur. It is frequently the system that makes the fight-or-flight choice.


A synapse is a neural junction, a bridge between a neuron cell and a human gland or muscle, where two neurons exchange information via an electric impulse. The existence of synapses in the neuron and muscles of a human body prevents electrical impulses from being sent and received. The muscle action will not occur, and it will remain in the same state indefinitely.

Reflex Action

A reflex action is a quick activity done by the body in reaction to stimuli. A reflex arc is a path the electrical impulse takes to serve the reflex action. On the other hand, the parasympathetic nervous system operates in the exact opposite manner. As a result, it relaxes your body and slows down various high-functioning sections of your body.


Control and Coordination notes on Extramarks can be simply accessed even without an internet connection. Students will gain all the insights they want in the chapter and some interesting did-you-know information to make studying more enjoyable.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. State one example of a reflex action.

When a football comes towards you at full speed, you duck and let the football pass over you. You do it without thinking about it; it is the reflex response. 

2. What are the types of Nervous systems?

 In total, there are three types of nervous systems. These are as follows: 

  • Central Nervous Systems (CNS)
  • Peripheral Nervous System
  • Somatic Nervous System

3. State the major components of neurons.

Dendrites, Cyton, and Axon are the three major components of neurons.