Home » Bridging the Gap: How AI Can Elevate Indian Schools to Global Standards

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized multiple sectors worldwide, and education is no different. The Indian education landscape currently caters to over 260 million students across 1.5 million schools, employing over 8.7 million primary and secondary teachers (source: The British Council, India). India’s efforts to integrate AI into education include policy initiatives like NEP 2020, teacher training programs, funding allocations, and tech partnerships. However, compared to the United States, China, and Singapore, which have robust national AI strategies, significant investments in resources & infrastructure, and well-established AI curricula, India still has significant progress to make.

With AI revolutionizing job markets around the world, it’s vital for Indian schools to take the right measures to successfully align with global standards of education. Introducing AI into the curriculum from primary education onwards can prepare students to be successful in a tech-driven future. Today, we’ll explore some crucial steps that modern schools can take in order to embrace AI in education.

NEP 2020 emphasizes AI and tech integration, proposing a National Educational Technology Forum (NETF). NITI Aayog’s ‘AI for All’ initiative aims to educate both students and teachers on AI design, development, and deployment through online courses, to ensure safe and responsible use of AI. Moreover, CBSE schools now offer AI as an elective subject to help students deep dive into this powerful technology and its applications.

It is evident that as AI transforms education, curriculum reform becomes crucial. Here are some effective steps Indian schools can take to integrate AI into education:


AI for Administrative Automation

Streamline administrative tasks such as processing admissions, grading, attendance, and scheduling by integrating AI technology. This shift not only saves time but also optimizes the workload for both teachers and other staff members. Implementing AI-driven systems for these functions can also derive data-driven insights, aiding administrators to make informed decisions.


Teacher Training on AI Tools

Empowering educators with essential knowledge and skills to use AI-powered tools and platforms can be a great way to solidify AI integration at your school. Conduct training sessions with AI experts, offer specialized workshops, and online courses that cover AI fundamentals and applications in education. This will ensure that teachers stay current with AI advancements and can effectively integrate these tools into their teaching practices.


AI-Powered Learning Platforms

AI-based educational tools and platforms facilitate collaborative learning, making the process more interactive and engaging for students. Integrating platforms like Extramarks Smart Class Plus can offer personalized learning experiences along with dynamic assessments. Beyond task management, introducing students to AI-powered tools is a great way to familiarize them with the applications of AI, enabling a richer educational experience.


AI in Curriculum Development

AI-enabled systems can be used to analyze learning trends and academic data to suggest curriculum adjustments, create personalized learning paths, and optimize lesson plans based on student performance. It can also assist in identifying learning gaps, and develop a targeted curriculum that caters to diverse student needs.

Integrating AI in education is a crucial step in preparing students for a technology-driven future. To keep students at the forefront of AI-powered learning, integrate Extramarks Smart Class Plus at your school. The platform's AI-driven reports and assessments feature offers in-depth analysis of student performance, areas for improvement, and learning patterns. Schools can leverage these insights to tailor instructions, ensure timely interventions, and track student progress, leading to improved academic outcomes. Sign up for Extramarks Smart Class Plus to create future-ready learners starting today!