How Smart Classrooms Can Help Schools Align with NEP 2020 Changes

September 26, 2024 | By: Anurag Goyal
Smart Classrooms: NEP 2020 Alignment

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has set the stage for the much-needed transformative shift in the educational system in India. To meet the demands of this policy, schools must evolve beyond traditional teaching methods. One powerful way to do this is by adopting smart classrooms. Smart classrooms, equipped with smart digital boards, help create tech-enabled learning environments that not only enhance the teaching-learning process but also help schools seamlessly integrate the key fundamental changes proposed by NEP 2020.

Why NEP 2020 Needs Smart Classrooms

Smart classrooms are designed to foster active learning, critical thinking, and collaboration among students—core aspects of NEP 2020.

  1. Emphasis on Digital Literacy

    NEP 2020 highlights the importance of digital literacy as a foundational skill. Smart classrooms introduce students to technology from an early age, making digital tools an integral part of their learning experience.

  2. Holistic Development Through Experiential Learning

    The policy encourages experiential learning, which is best facilitated through interactive and engaging digital content. Smart classrooms provide access to simulations, virtual labs, and multimedia resources, making learning more immersive and impactful.

  3. Personalized Learning Paths

    NEP 2020 advocates for personalized learning experiences. Smart classrooms can utilize data-driven insights and adaptive learning software to tailor educational content to individual student needs, helping each child learn at their own pace.

  4. Focus on Skill Development

    With a shift towards skill-based education, smart classrooms offer tools for collaborative projects, coding, and other practical activities. These tools help students develop critical skills like problem-solving, communication, and teamwork, which are essential in the 21st-century workforce.

How Extramarks’ Smart Class Plus Facilitates NEP 2020 Implementation in Schools

  1. Curriculum Integration

    With our smart classroom technology, schools can easily integrate the updated curriculum that is aligned with NEP 2020. Digital content can be quickly updated to reflect changes, ensuring that teachers and students are always working with the most current information.

  2. Teacher Empowerment

    NEP 2020 calls for the continuous professional development of teachers. Extramarks works as a school partner and provides teachers with the necessary training, and a wealth of resources that help them stay ahead of educational trends and methodologies.

  3. Enhanced Assessment and Feedback

    The shift from traditional exams to continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) is a key aspect of NEP 2020. Extramarks’ Assessment Centre enables real-time assessment through quizzes, interactive tests, and feedback tools, allowing for immediate and actionable insights into student performance.

  4. Inclusion and Accessibility

    Our smart class features can cater to diverse learning needs, providing tools that support students with various abilities. The accessibility features of smart classroom technologies further NEP 2020’s vision of an inclusive education system, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to succeed.

Smart classrooms are not just an addition to modern education—they are a necessity for schools looking to stay in sync with NEP 2020 changes. By embracing technology, schools can create a more engaging, personalised, and effective learning environment that prepares students for the future.

Get in touch with our experts today to help you with your school’s smart classroom requirements so you can equip your teachers to align with the NEP 2020 changes.

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To fully realize the benefits of NEP 2020, schools must begin adopting smart classrooms. By doing so, they will enhance educational outcomes and ensure that they are providing their students with the best possible start in life.

Last Updated on September 26, 2024

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