National Curriculum Framework 2023

The role of education is to prepare a child for life in the real world. Even though it is said that change is the only constant, the world takes a large leap every few years. Internet, technological advances, and the pandemic recently caused the world to take that leap. As the world adapts and evolves to the new, the education system must reflect it. An outdated and generic curriculum fails to serve this purpose.
The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) provides a standard structure applicable across India that can be used as a ready reckoner by schools and education boards to design syllabi, teaching objectives, textbooks, and lesson plans.
What is the National Curriculum Framework?
The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) is a detailed document developed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) in keeping with the National Education Policy (NEP). The Ministry of Education sets down the goals and objectives for the education system through the NEP. The NCF is a document that outlines the approach to realise this vision. Additionally, The NCERT has the job of reviewing the NCF at regular intervals to ensure it is updated and in line with the NEP.
What is National Education Policy 2020?
Announced in July 2020, the National Education Policy emphasises the need for the Indian education system to align with the modern-day requirements of the 21st century. With the focus on integrating fundamentals of the Indian educational system with new-age learning, it stresses the importance of developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity in the students. It builds on the need for interdisciplinary application of concepts to understand and solve problems instead of rote learning and memorisation. It further advocates utilising technology and learning through play or projects to enhance individual skill development and value cultivation.
Another big way that NEP 2020 differs from its predecessors is the shift from the past 10+2 model to a 5+3+3+4 structure. The 10+2 model covered classes 1 – 12 for students aged 6-18, while the new 5+3+3+4 structure covers pre-school or kindergarten to class 12 for students aged 3-18. This brings the preparatory years of early childhood also into the fold under the purview of NCF and sets a uniform code for concept building.
Both NEP 2020 and NCF 2023 work in tandem to enrich the student experience and provide them with an equitable and quality education that assists them in value creation and skill development.
The common question that arises here is: Are NEP 2020 and NCF 2023 the same? The simple answer is No. NEP 2020 sets the agenda for a progressive education system in India, while NCF 2023 provides the roadmap to execute this mission.
For a more detailed explanation, refer to our Guide on National Education Policy 2020
History of National Curriculum Framework (NCF)
The National Curriculum Framework is not a new concept. The first NCF was released in 1975 in line with the National Education Policy and subsequently with different updations in 1988, 2000, and 2005 before its current, updated, revised version in 2023.
Additionally, separate guidelines for early childhood care and education were released in 2014, and those for teacher training and education in 1988, 1998, and 2009.
In its recent release, the NCF 2023 includes a framework for all four aspects of education, namely
- National Curriculum Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education (NCFECCE)
- National Curriculum Framework for School Education (NCFSE)
- National Curriculum Framework for Adult Education (NCFAE)
- National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE)
Why National Curriculum Framework 2023?
Every vision needs a roadmap that can translate it into ground reality. It is only when the vision can be realised does it stands to achieve its goals. The NCF 2023 plays a pivotal role in implementing the education system envisioned by the NEP 2020, one that prepares students for the 21st century.
NCF 2023 outlines and defines the goals and ways to achieve those goals. It informs the education boards, schools, and teachers on
- Objectives of learning: The age-appropriate aim of education for each stage.
- Key areas of learning: Aspects covered include languages, values, subjects, skills, etc.
- Standards of learning: Targeted outcome.
- Teaching-learning methods: The modes of instruction—play, project-based learning, classroom teaching, etc.; teaching material such as supplementary reading, worksheets, etc.; and the use of technology.
- Standards for content: Learning targets and what needs to be included in lesson plans.
- Evaluation and assessments: How will the students be assessed – projects, exams, ideas presented, class participation, etc.
- Teacher training and education: Ensuring teacher skill updation and preparedness with tools outlined to be used.
- Other areas: Other components of education such as community work, local partnerships, sports and arts programs, etc.
The key areas of emphasis in the NCF 2023 are foundational learning, critical thinking, learning based on experience, interdisciplinary learning, multilingual education, skill development, vocational learning, and creativity. It stresses a learner-centric, technology-aided, inclusive, and flexible approach to education.
What are the Objectives of NCF 2023?
Listed below are the key objectives based on which the NCF 2023 lays down the curriculum guidelines:
- Modernising The Indian Education System: Striking a balance between the traditional education system and concepts and real-world applicability is one of the main focuses of NCF 2023.
- Changes to Curriculum: Developing a new curriculum that balances the knowledge rooted in Indian culture, arts and language with that of evolving technology and interdisciplinary understanding.
- Targeting Realistic Changes: Giving a well-defined road map that helps all stakeholders transition from one system to another structure with little disruption.
- Specifying Stakeholders Duties: Part of a good roadmap is to clearly define the part each stakeholder plays. The document identifies roles, responsibilities and timelines for different stakeholders during this transition.
- Emphasis on Teachers: Teacher training, and access to the right tools remains the main focus for the NCF 2023. Teachers are the main link that will enable and help deliver this new approach.
- Innovating for The Better: Keeping pace with changing times, education objectives are embracing innovative thinking and creativity by imparting not just academic concepts but also knowledge that becomes useable to students in different aspects of their lives.
Watch our complete video playlist on the National Curriculum Framework now:
Key Highlights of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2023
- The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2023 is developed based on the vision of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and aims to transform school education in India.
- It addresses еducation needs of ages between 3 – 18 years and covеring diverse institutions across the country. The NCF adopts a holistic approach to the transformation of the curriculum through school еnvironmеnt, pеdagogy, and culturе to improve the overall learning еxpеriеncе for students.
- The NCF lays down goals of education, grade structure, guiding principles, and еlеmеnts for dеvеloping curriculum, syllabus, assessment techniques, and tеaching-lеarning materials by boards, schools, and teachers.
- The NCF is developed keeping teachers at the centre of the desired change. It recognises their crucial role in implementing and executing NEP’s vision. It emphasises the importance of creating a supportive ecosystem, including adequate infrastructure, resources, and academic and administrativе functions for the implementation of the curriculum. It further highlights the role of parents and the community in nurturing students into well-rounded individuals.
- It is crafted to be in a way that is easily rеlatablе, usablе, and understandable by all practitionеrs of the еducation system, including school leaders, functionaries, and tеachеrs. It adopts a presentation style and structure uniting real-life examples to illustrate various contexts making the document detailed, specific, and easy to grasp and use.
- The NCF 2023 strikes a balance between being rooted in the Indian context at the same time provides universal applicability of education. It lays great stress on the nееd of a student-centered learning approach that promotes their holistic dеvеlopmеnt and prepares them for life after school. It also highlights the importance of an inclusive and flexible еducation system that addresses the diverse interests and specific needs of the students.
- Another big focus of NCF is to address the increasingly common fear of mathеmatics in students through interactive and innovative teaching and assessing mеthods. Following the interdisciplinary theme, Mathеmatics will also be intеrconnеctеd with other subjеcts to build concepts and drive home its importance. India’s rich history in mathеmatics and sciеncе will also be brought into the curriculum.
- NCF gives the roadmap for the adoption of the 5+3+3+4 structure of school еducation, in line with NEP 2020 as opposed to the earlier 10+2 system.
- Foundational Stagе – 5 years. Ages 3-8 years. Includes 3 years of prе-school / Anganwadi / kindergarten + 2 years of primary school in Gradеs 1 and 2.
- Prеparatory Stagе – 3 years. Ages 8 – 11. Includes grades 3-5 of primary school.
- Middlе Stagе – 3 years. Ages 11 – 14. Covers grades 6-8 of middle school.
- Sеcondary Stagе – 4 years. Ages 14 – 18. Includes previously segregated secondary and senior secondary stages with grades 9-10 and 11-12.
- NCF lays down the progression in modes of learning and injury for each of the 4 stages in the 5+3+3+4 structure. Play and exploration for the foundational stage with a progressively increasing proportion of specialised methods introduced to develop a deeper understanding of subjects like mathematics, science, social science, arts, etc. Brain development and stages of the cognitive, emotional, and intellectual development of a child influence content selection, pedagogy, and assessment methods. (Emphasising the role of natural learning, play-based learning aids perceptual and practical understanding of concepts. With age, students develop the power of observation, motor skills, and learning through the analysis of information. Theoretical lessons would then add to the learning by deepening the specific understanding of the subject.)
- An interdisciplinary approach has been laid down to teach social sciences for grades 6 – 8. Under this approach, subjects like history, geography, political science, and economics will be covered in a single event or theme. Where required related disciplines such as philosophy, anthropology, sociology, and psychology would also be included. The curriculum provides fair flexibility in choosing the themes and content with 20% weightage assigned to local content, 30% to regional, 30% to national, and another 20% to global topics. Starting Class 9 the subjects will be taught as separate disciplines to enhance the depth of knowledge.Also read: Interdisciplinary Approach in Teaching
- The NEP 2020 lays down a 3 language mandate for multilingual fluency stressing the cause of regional and Indian languages. The NCF 2023 introduces a third language requirement to be taught and learned in schools. The students will now be required to pursue three languages with a different curriculum focus on literacy and proficiency levels for each language. The curriculum defines goals, learning outcomes, and competencies for each language as per stages of education (Preparatory, Middle, and Secondary). Besides developing writing, comprehension, and vocabulary proficiencies in the languages there is also an emphasis on appreciating the literary heritage of Indian languages. Classes 11 – 12 will pursue 2 languages, one of which must be taught in depth at the ‘literature level’ under the NCF 2023 guidelines.
- R1 – Language 1, usually the mother tongue, to be the mеdium of instruction to build reading and writing proficiency in students by grade 3.
- R2 – Language 2, any other language, including English to build reading and writing fluency in students by grade 6
- R3 – Language 3, any other language apart from R1 or R2 with the target of literacy by grade 9.
- The NCF 2023 moves away from rote learning and memorisation emphasis of the broad exams. There is an attempt to reduce the pressure of a single chance of performance on the student at the same time improve the quality of assessment to test the high-level thinking skills of students. Curriculum design and assessment design will be bifurcated into specialised verticals with trained test development personnel ensuring quality assessment frameworks and high-quality questions for exam design. Other key changes around boards include
- Increased flexibility with the board exams being offered twice a year. The higher score of the two will automatically be selected as final.
- Board exam will test subject understanding and curriculum-defined competencies
- Subjects will be clubbed into 4 groups from class 6 onwards. The same 9 subjects with the addition of Environmental education covering public environment issues will be taught in the secondary stage for classes 9 – 10.
- Group 1 – Languages
- Group 2 – Art education / Physical education & well-being / Vocational Education
- Group 3 – Social Sciences / Interdisciplinary area
- Group 4 – Mathematics & computational thinking / Sciences
- Class 10 board exams will test all ten subject areas. Subjects from group 2, due to their practical nature will be assessed through board-certified local assessments.
- Class 11 – 12 students will have the flexibility to choose subjects based on the width and depth of their interest, without restriction of a stream. More subjects and specific topics will be made available through a semester system.
- Class 12 board exams will test at least 2 languages and 4 exams in chosen subjects from at least 2 of the groups
- A staggered timeline to realise the vision of NEP 2020 in regard to subject choices for classes 11 – 12 has been set by the NCF 2023.
- At the rollout of the NCF 2023, schools and boards are mandated to cover two languages for learning and testing, one of which must be an Indian language.
- At the rollout of NCF 2023, schools and boards will offer subjects from at least two of the three listed groups (groups 2,3 & 4) not including group 1 for languages. Within 5 years they will offer subjects across all 4 groups, and in 10 years they will offer ALL listed subjects across all 4 groups
- In 10 years, all schools are mandated to shift to a single Secondary stage (class 9 – 12) offering choice and flexibility currently available to classes 11 – 12
- With 10 years boards will also introduce certificate credits via smaller modular exams focusing immediate testing on completing a course
NCF 2023’s Stage Design
The National Curriculum Framework follows the guidelines of the National Education Policy 2020 and splits the school curriculum into four stages. These stages are:
- Foundational Stage
- Preparatory Stage
- Middle Stage
- Secondary Stage
We will go through each stage in the content below. This will help you understand the latest changes and suggestions for the school curriculum.
Foundational Stage
Age Group of this stage: From 3 to 8
Learning Standards: Areas of development include Physical Development, Socio-emotional and Ethical Development, Cognitive Development, Aesthetic and Cultural Development, Language and Literacy Development, and Positive Learning Habits.
Pedagogy: It should be largely play-based, focusing on nurturing relationships between the teacher and children, with a balance between self-paced learning and group activities, while providing systematic guidance for foundational literacy and numeracy.
Assessment: Assessments are mainly qualitative observations by teachers, with worksheets serving as information sources for Grades 1 and 2, while explicit tests and exams are considered inappropriate for this stage.
Aim: By the end of this stage, children should have acquired fundamental literacy in R1, having learned two languages (R1 and R2).
Resources to be Used:- For the first three years, practical playthings including toys, puzzles, picture books, and manipulatives are used.
- Only workbooks, playbooks, and textbooks for Grade 1 are advised. For this Stage, children's literature is a very important source of material.
Preparatory Stage
Age Group of this stage: From 8 to 11
Learning Standards: The World Around Us (which includes job and pre-vocational skills), mathematics, art education, physical education, and two languages (R1 and R2) are all covered under the learning standards for this stage.
Pedagogy: The Preparatory Stage classroom should still heavily rely on activity- and discovery-based learning.
- For this Stage, brief, formal written tests are appropriate.
- By the end of this Stage, summative evaluations have to be based on the Learning Standards' definitions of the Competencies.
- The observation of students' work by teachers is an essential part of the evaluation process.
- Summative assessments can be used periodically to support the more frequent formative evaluations.
Aim: In more formal classroom environments, encourage students to participate fully.
Resources to be Used:
- Textbooks can offer content a little bit more, but experiences and practical items still make up the majority of how it is presented.
- In particular, The World Around Us (TWAU) has to rely more on experiences and activities than be taught in textbooks as impersonal facts.
Middle Stage
Age Group of this stage: From 11 to 14
Learning Standards:
- In this Stage, students must master three languages (R1, R2, and R3).
- In addition to these languages, there are learning standards for math, art education, and physical education.
- Vocational education has its curriculum and set of learning standards, whereas science and social science education have different ones.
- This stage requires a curriculum that carefully balances chances for inquiry and discovery with direct teaching.
- Learning from mistakes and expanding on past knowledge become crucial factors to take into consideration while developing instructional tactics.
- Within each Curricular Area, the techniques of inquiry should always be the main focus.
- Assessments may be more explicit and formal.
- To move the focus from content retention to understanding of concepts and fluency in the processes of inquiry, assessment design is crucial.
- Through relevant yet difficult assessments, students should be provided with opportunities to interact with higher-order capacities of analysis and creativity.
- At the end of this stage, summative assessments need to be once more predicated on the competencies listed in the Learning Standards.
- Engaging with new environments and situations is expected of students.
- It should help students achieve academic proficiency in languages that the language used in the lessons.
Resources to be Used:
- For students to transition from tangible to more abstract concepts in an understandable manner, well-designed textbooks that correspond to the Learning Standards are essential.
Secondary Stage
Phase 1 - Grades 9 and 10:
All students will keep learning all the subjects they studied in the Middle Stage.
They will also study Environmental Education as a new subject. This will help them think and reason about public issues, including ethical and moral questions, especially related to the environment.
There are specific learning standards set for these subjects.
Phase 2 - Grades 11 and 12:
Age Group of this stage: From 14 to 18
Learning Standards: Offering students choice-based courses will help them feel more flexible and free from rigid boundaries between academic areas and specialties.
- At this point, pedagogy should anticipate a greater degree of individual student learning. There should be more chances for both group projects and independent study.
- Different approaches should be used in the classroom; Socratic, inquiry-based, and didactic approaches are all suitable for this stage of learning.
- This plan enables students to acquire disciplinary depth as well as study depth.
- There should be no more limitations on the streams that students can pick from in order to facilitate interesting combinations.
Resources to be Used:
- In Grades 9 and 10, textbooks are a major component of the content organization.
- Students in grades 11 and 12 have to be encouraged to get their information from a variety of sources.
- To make the choice of material more dynamic and flexible, course compendiums can be used in Grades 11 and 12.
Assessments and Board Examinations:
- Students should have chances to develop higher-level thinking skills through meaningful and challenging assessments.
- Grade 10 board exams will be based on the skills and knowledge required for each subject. Art Education, Physical Education, and Vocational Education will have local assessments with Board certification.
- To earn a Grade 12 certificate, students must pass the following Board exams:
- 2 exams in Languages
- 4 exams from at least 2 different subject groups (with one additional optional exam)
- Art Education, Physical Education, and Vocational Education will have local assessments with Board certification.
From at least two of the following three groups (see Figure below), students must select four topics (with a fifth subject optional):
- Group 1 – Languages
- Group 2 – Art Education, Physical education & well-being, Vocational Education
- Group 3 – Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary area
- Group 4 – Mathematics, Computational Thinking, Science
Below is an example of a list of subjects that may be made available within each Group.
To prevent the spread of inaccurate or misleading information, the information you are reading was taken straight from the National Curriculum Framework 2023.
Core Fundamental Principles of NCF
Core Principles of the National Curriculum Framework 2023 (NCF)
Learner-Centred EducationThe NCF advocates a shift from instruction-led to student-centric teaching. This approach tailors learning to each student’s unique interests, abilities, and background, paving the way for personalised learning experiences. Such experiences enable students to gain and apply knowledge more effectively.
Holistic DevelopmentEmphasizing well-rounded development, the NCF focuses on students’ physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth. It promotes learning that extends beyond textbooks and rote memorization, aiming for the overall development of students.
Also Read: Holistic Education Guide
InclusivityBuilt on the principle that every child is unique, the NCF prioritizes inclusive teaching methods and environments to address diverse learning needs. It reinforces every child’s right to quality education, irrespective of socio-economic background, gender, or abilities.
ConstructivismThe NCF integrates active learning and constructivist principles, where students construct their understanding through interaction and experience, rather than passively receiving information. This approach supports the active engagement of students in their learning journey.
Critical Thinking and Problem-SolvingA strong emphasis is placed on fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These skills empower students to analyze information, evaluate situations, and develop creative solutions—preparing them for real-world challenges.
Emphasis on Foundational LearningRecognizing the importance of a solid foundation, the NCF prioritizes core subjects like language, numeracy, and social skills in the early years. Building this foundation is essential for future academic success and lifelong learning.
Life SkillsAddressing the need for 21st-century skills, the NCF highlights competencies such as creative thinking, communication, collaboration, digital literacy, and adaptability. These life skills are vital for successfully navigating the complexities of modern society.
Strategies for Implementing National Curriculum Framework 2023
The implementation of the extensive NCF 2023 rests on 4 key strategies:
Impact of NCF 2023
At the overarching level, the NCF 2023 is aimed at improving the quality of student learning, knowledge acquisition and applicability, as well as increasing equity and access to education, the immediate impact of the NCF will be most visible through:
- CurriculumThe curriculum will see a revision across the board from pre-school levels to grade 12. With alterations in the objectives of education per stage, a renewed focus on languages and an interdisciplinary approach that drives a deeper understanding of concepts, the curriculum will see a marked shift from previous years.
- PedagogyThe emphasis on a student-centric learning approach, widespread adoption of digital technology and guided ratios of play and activity-based learning for each learning stage will drive a visible change in the pedagogy selection.
- Assessment PracticesWith a focus on deeper understanding over memorisation and a specialised assessment vertical trained to design quality assessments that test students on their knowledge and application will go beyond the current approach of reproduction of information. With a more holistic emphasis on problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity, assessments and the way they are marked will be an area of primary impact.
Comparing National Curriculum Framework 2023 With NCF 2005
With a total change in how the world functions in nearly two decades between the two NCFs (NCF 2005 & NCF 2023) their key differences lie in the use of technology, pedagogy, access to information, and wider exposure of students. Hybrid methods that support a more holistic teaching-learning process and the fast-emerging unconventional learning methods that make education more about the student are key features of the NCF 2023.
While both the NCFs put the learner at the centre, NCF 2005 concerned itself more with creating the right conditions to enable knowledge among students and foster an independent view of the future.
NCF 2023 attempts to keep the context of the past while guiding the skills for a developed future. The distinction is exemplified in a comparison of two lines from the two documents – “The NCF 2023 seeks to foster in students a true rootedness and pride in India with a forward-looking spirit to continuously improve as a nation”, while NCF 2005 stated the need of an “epistemological shift … to accommodate the multiple ways of imagining the Indian nation”
Relevance is established and maintained through the process of regular reviews, adaptations, and updations. Education also benefits from this principle. Education can only move forward when you put the student, their well-being, and their knowledge at the centre of it. The NCF 2023 might seem like a seismic shift in the Indian education system, but it is a step in the right direction. A well-defined goal with a detailed roadmap provides a great starting point to nurture and build the future decision-makers of our country.
NCF 2023: FAQs
What is the concept of NCF?
The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) provides guidelines for designing school curricula in India, aiming to make education more relevant and effective for students.
What is the latest NCF in India?
The latest NCF in India is the NCF 2023, which incorporates changes and updates in alignment with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
What does the NCF stand for?
NCF stands for National Curriculum Framework.
What is the difference between NCF and NEP?
NCF focuses on curriculum and teaching methods, while NEP (National Education Policy) provides a broader vision and framework for the entire education system in India.
What is the 5+3+3+4 education system?
The 5+3+3+4 education system is a structure proposed by the NEP 2020, which includes 5 years of foundational education, 3 years of preparatory education, 3 years of middle education, and 4 years of secondary education.
How are NEP and NCF related?
The NCF is developed based on the guidelines and vision provided by the NEP, ensuring that curriculum changes align with the broader educational goals set by the policy.
Last Updated on February 24, 2025
Reviewed by

Prachi Singh | VP - Academics
Prachi Singh is a highly accomplished educationist with over 16 years of experience in the EdTech industry. Currently, she plays a pivotal role at Extramarks, leading content strategy and curriculum development initiatives that shape the future of more.