Full Form of Abbreviations Related to Education in NEP

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, a comprehensive blueprint for India’s education system, aims to transform the nation into a global knowledge superpower. To understand the vast scope of this policy, it is crucial to familiarise oneself with its key terms and concepts. This glossary provides definitions for the most commonly used abbreviations and terms found within the NEP 2020.
NEP Glossary
- ABC: Academic Bank of Credit is a digital platform to store academic credits earned by students.
- AI: Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines.
- AC: An Autonomous degree-granting College is an institution with self-governing authority to award degrees.
- AEC: Adult Education Centre provides education and skill development opportunities for adults.
- API: Application Programming Interface is a set of protocols for building and interacting with software applications.
- AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy are traditional Indian systems of medicine.
- B.Ed.: Bachelor of Education is an undergraduate degree for aspiring teachers.
- BEO: Block Education Officer is an administrative head for education at the block level.
- BITE: Block Institute of Teacher Education is a teacher training institute at the block level.
- BoA: Board of Assessment is responsible for evaluating student performance and awarding grades.
- BoG: Board of Governors is the governing body of an autonomous institution.
- BRC: Block Resource Centre provides support services to schools within a block.
- B.Voc: Bachelor of Vocational Education is a degree focusing on practical skills and job-oriented training.
- CABE: Central Advisory Board of Education advises the central government on educational matters.
- CBCS: Choice Based Credit System allows students to choose courses and earn credits flexibly.
- CBSE: Central Board of Secondary Education is a national board of education.
- CIET: Central Institute of Educational Technology develops and promotes educational technology.
- CMP: Career Management and Progression is a framework for career development.
- CoA: Council of Architecture regulates the architecture profession.
- CPD: Continuous Professional Development refers to ongoing learning and skill enhancement.
- CRC: Cluster Resource Centre supports schools within a cluster.
- CWSN: Children With Special Needs require special education and support.
- DAE: Department of Atomic Energy is responsible for nuclear energy research and development.
- DBT: Department of Biotechnology promotes biotechnology research and development.
- DEO: District Education Officer is the administrative head of education at the district level.
- DIET: District Institute of Education and Training provides teacher training and educational leadership.
- DIKSHA: Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing is a digital platform for teachers and students.
- DSE: Directorate of School Education is the administrative body for school education.
- DST: Department of Science and Technology promotes scientific research and development.
- ECCE: Early Childhood Care and Education focuses on holistic development of young children.
- EEC: Eminent Expert Committee is a group of experts formed to provide recommendations on specific educational issues.
- GCED: Global Citizenship Education aims to develop students as responsible global citizens.
- GDP: Gross Domestic Product is the total value of goods and services produced in a country.
- GEC: General Education Council is a body responsible for regulating general education.
- GER: Gross Enrolment Ratio is the percentage of age-specific population enrolled in a specific level of education.
- GFR: General Financial Rule is a set of financial guidelines for government institutions.
- HECI: Higher Education Commission of India is a regulatory body for higher education.
- HEGC: Higher Education Grants Council is responsible for allocating grants to higher education institutions.
- HEI: Higher Education Institutions are institutions offering undergraduate or postgraduate programs.
- ICAR: Indian Council of Agricultural Research promotes agricultural research and education.
- ICHR: Indian Council of Historical Research promotes historical research and studies.
- ICMR: Indian Council of Medical Research promotes medical research.
- ICT: Information and Communication Technology refers to technologies used for communication and information processing.
- IDP: Institutional Development Plan outlines the strategic direction of an institution.
- IGNOU: Indira Gandhi National Open University is a premier open university.
- IIM: Indian Institute of Management is a premier institution for management education.
- IIT: Indian Institute of Technology is a premier institution for engineering and technology education.
- IITI: Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation focuses on translation and interpretation.
- ISL: Indian Sign Language is a visual language used by the deaf community.
- ITI: Industrial Training Institute provides vocational training.
- M.Ed.: Master of Education is a postgraduate degree for teachers.
- MBBS: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery is a medical degree.
- MERU: Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities offer programs across various disciplines.
- MHFW: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is responsible for health and family welfare programs.
- MHRD: Ministry of Human Resource Development (now Ministry of Education) was responsible for education and human resource development.
- MoE: Ministry of Education is responsible for education and human resource development.
- MOOC: Massive Open Online Course is an online course accessible to a large number of learners.
- MOU: Memorandum of Understanding is a formal agreement between two parties.
- M. Phil: Master of Philosophy is a postgraduate research degree.
- MWCD: Ministry of Women and Child Development is responsible for women and child welfare.
- NAC: National Accreditation Council accredits higher education institutions.
- NAS: National Achievement Survey assesses the learning levels of students.
- NCC: National Cadet Corps is a youth development program.
- NCERT: National Council of Educational Research and Training develops curriculum and textbooks.
- NCF: National Curriculum Framework provides the framework for school education.
To know more about NCF read our blog here
- NCFSE: National Curriculum Framework for School Education is specific to school education.
- NCFTE: National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education is specific to teacher education.
- NCIVE: National Committee for the Integration of Vocational Education promotes vocational education integration.
- NCPFECCE: National Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education provides guidelines for early childhood education.
- NCTE: National Council for Teacher Education regulates teacher education.
- NCVET: National Council for Vocational Education and Training regulates vocational education and training.
- NETF: National Educational Technology Forum promotes educational technology.
- NGO: Non-Governmental Organization is a non-profit organisation.
- NHEQF: National Higher Education Qualifications Framework is a framework for higher education qualifications.
- NHERC: National Higher Education Regulatory Council is a regulatory body for higher education.
- NIOS: National Institute of Open Schooling provides open schooling opportunities.
- NIPUN: National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy referred to as the NIPUN Bharat Mission, is an initiative under the National Educational Policy (NEP) 2020.
Know more here
- NIT: National Institute of Technology is an institution for technical education.
- NITI: National Institution for Transforming India is a policy think tank.
- NPE: National Policy on Education is the overarching policy for education.
- NPST: National Professional Standards for Teachers outlines teacher competencies.
- NRF: National Research Foundation promotes research.
- NSQF: National Skills Qualifications Framework is a framework for vocational qualifications.
- NSSO: National Sample Survey Office conducts surveys for data collection.
- NTA: National Testing Agency conducts entrance exams.
- OBC: Other Backward Classes is a social category.
- ODL: Open and Distance Learning is education delivered through non-face-to-face modes.
- PARAKH: Performance Assessment, Review and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic development is an assessment framework.
Find out more about NEP 2020 Exams and Assessment Reforms here
- PCI: Pharmacy Council of India regulates pharmacy education and practice.
- PFMS: Public Financial Management System is a financial management system.
- Ph.D: Doctor of Philosophy is a research degree.
- PSSB: Professional Standard Setting Body sets standards for professions.
- PTR: Pupil Teacher Ratio is the number of students per teacher.
- R&I: Research and Innovation refers to research and development activities.
- RCI: Rehabilitation Council of India is involved in rehabilitation matters.
- RPWD: Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a law protecting the rights of persons with disabilities.
- SAS: State Achievement Survey assesses student learning at the state level.
- SAFAL: SAFAL is designed to enhance the assessment process by focusing on critical thinking, inquiry, and analysis skills, which is in line with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
Know more here
- SC: Scheduled Caste(s) is a social category.
- SCDP: School Complex/Cluster Development Plans are plans for school development.
- SCERT: State Council of Educational Research and Training supports education at the state level.
- SCF: State Curricular Framework provides the framework for school education at the state level.
- SCMC: School Complex Management Committee manages school complexes.
- SDG: Sustainable Development Goal is a global development agenda.
- SDP: School Development Plan is a plan for school development.
- SEDG: Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Group is a category of students.
- SEZ: Special Education Zone is a zone for special education.
- SIOS: State Institutes of Open Schooling provide open schooling at the state level.
- SMC: School Management Committee manages a school.
- SQAAF: School Quality Assessment and Accreditation Framework assesses school quality.
- SSA: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a flagship program for universal elementary education.
- SSS: Simple Standard Sanskrit is a simplified version of Sanskrit.
- SSSA: State School Standards Authority sets standards for schools.
- ST: Scheduled Tribe(s) is a social category.
- STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is an educational focus area.
- STS: Sanskrit Through Sanskrit is a Sanskrit language program.
- SWAYAM: Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds is a platform for online courses.
- TEI: Teacher Education Institution provides teacher education.
- TET: Teacher Eligibility Test is a qualifying exam for teachers.
- U-DISE: Unified District Information System for Education is a management information system.
- UGC: University Grants Commission is a regulatory body for higher education.
- UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is a global organization promoting education, science, and culture.
- UT: Union Territory is a type of administrative division.
- VCI: Veterinary Council of India regulates veterinary education and practice.
Source: The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 PDF is available on the Ministry of Education, India’s official website.
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Prachi Singh | VP - Academics
Prachi Singh is a highly accomplished educationist with over 16 years of experience in the EdTech industry. Currently, she plays a pivotal role at Extramarks, leading content strategy and curriculum development initiatives that shape the future of education...read more.