Leveraging Classroom Tests For Effective Teaching And Learning

June 30, 2024 | By: Extramarks

c;lassroom tests

Classroom tests or topical assessments are a common device used to evaluate students’ understanding of the concepts covered in the class. They are extremely useful in gauging the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process and informing teachers as well as students if additional support and work are required to gain expertise in the said topic, before moving on with the curriculum.

Classroom tests serve as a formative assessment tool for teachers to judge the efficacy of their instruction design and lesson plan. For students, they highlight their grasp of the concept, areas where they need teaching support, and areas requiring additional practice. These tests can be either surprise tests or informed ones in written, oral, objective, or activity-based formats.

Importance of Classroom Tests

  1. Setting Learning Goals for Students
    Periodic classroom tests help students identify areas that need work. This helps them set learning goals that support their ultimate performance target. With regular opportunities to evaluate their progress students can adapt their study plans to meet their evolving requirements. Classroom tests also help them review if their study strategy and choice of learning style are on point.
  2. Reviewing Understanding and Retention
    Classroom tests are a great way for teachers to assess the effectiveness of the teaching-learning method. They help spotlight student understanding and retention of topics covered in the class. Teachers can evaluate and adapt their instruction design and, at the same time gauge if some students need additional support.
  3. Strengthened Learning
    Classroom tests work as tools to strengthen and reinforce student learning outcomes. Timed repetition is one of the most effective learning strategies. With classroom tests, students engage in the repeated revision of the concepts leading to long-term and enhanced retention of topics covered. Timely Classroom tests also help students by effectively portioning the syllabus. Having bite-sized topics to master reduces the burden of end-of-term summative assessments.
  4. Effective Time Management
    Classroom tests play a role in teaching students effective time management, consistent learning strategy and a disciplined study plan. With set deadlines, students learn to proportion their time efficiently across topics. They learn the value of consistent effort in helping them cover their syllabus optimally. They also learn to prioritise tasks and sidestep procrastination – skills that will continue to aid them outside the classroom.
  5. Spotting Knowledge Gaps
    Every class and every set of students is different. Classroom tests serve as formative assessment tools, helping educators identify gaps in student knowledge as a result of their different learning styles. Sometimes teachers might find that certain topics need more inputs, different approaches or simply more time for desired student learning outcomes. These tests help teachers catch cumulative and collective knowledge deficits promptly.
  6. Boosting Confidence
    Classroom tests are a great way to witness learning growth. Being able to demonstrate their learning not only gives students a boost of confidence but also helps track their progress through the curriculum. A good performance incentivises their approach while a poor one highlights the need to reflect on their strategy. Students learn to use reflection and analysis of their performance to evaluate their approach and adapt if needed. This helps develop the skills of self-assessment, determination and resilience, all of which support them beyond academics.
  7. Improved Exam Preparedness
    Not only do class tests help students prepare and revise in a bite-sized manner, aiding their exam preparedness, but they also help students develop emotional resilience to handle the pressure of assessment. They further help students by providing frequent practice and familiarity with different types of questions and review formats that can be used to assess topics. Students learn how to navigate their way through questions and time allocation to perform at their best.
  8. Decision-Making Tool
    Classroom tests provide educators with important data on student response to curriculum topics, teaching methodologies, instruction design and classroom effectiveness. This data systematically reviewed can provide meaningful insights for an enhanced teaching approach and decisions that can deliver better teaching effectiveness for improved learning outcomes.

Planning and executing periodic classroom tests are now easier than ever with educational technology and smart edtech solutions like Extramarks. The comprehensive teacher support module at Extramarks offers automated assessment planning with a customised approach to fit every concept and lesson via the Extramarks Teaching App. The exhaustive question bank helps teachers pick the right questions and approach, while the performance evaluation feature helps analyse student learning trends.

Calibrating your assessments and instruction design has never been easier. Visit the Extramarks Assessment Centre to know more.

Learn More

Classroom tests are as useful for teachers as they are for students. Teachers can measure their teaching effectiveness, while students can get help understanding and retaining the concepts in addition to honing skills of time management and discipline. They can be used for situational evaluations to see if corrective measures are required. Students should not get anxious and see them as a burden, but more as an indicator of their understanding of the topic. Neither should they approach them with a careless attitude.

These tests can help them understand their overall strengths and weaknesses. As a preparatory tool, these tests help them build towards their performance in summative evaluations. Teachers can help relax the classroom environment around these tests by putting their students at ease with discussion and analysis of performance with guidance based on individual progress.

Last Updated on June 30, 2024

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