Managing Your Child’s Screen Time: Guidelines and Strategies for Parents

screen time for children

Children are spending more time than ever in front of screens. A recent study found that kids are now spending an average of seven hours a day on activities like watching TV, playing video games, or using YouTube.

Research on the impact of screen time on children is concerning. Dr. Delaney Ruston, director of the film Screenagers, noted that screens release a hormone in the brain called dopamine, which is so rewarding that kids crave more screen time. This can lead to agitation when they’re not using screens.

A 2017 study from the University of Montreal showed that playing “shooter” games could damage the hippocampus area of the brain, causing cell loss. There’s also evidence that excessive screen time can slow the development of children’s communication skills.

As a parent, what can you do to ensure healthy and productive screen time? Let’s explore some options.

What are the Guidelines for Screen Time for Kids

Wondering about the ideal screen time for your child? It’s a common question among parents today. Let’s explore some helpful guidelines to ensure your child’s digital experiences are both enjoyable and beneficial.

  1. For Children Under 2

    Studies suggest that children under 2 years old should have very little screen time, except for video calls. Around 18 to 24 months, parents can start to introduce them to good-quality media.

    It’s best for children 18 to 24 months to watch media with an adult who can talk to them about what they’re seeing. Children should not use media on their own at this age.

  2. Ages 2 to 5

    For children between 2 and 5 years old, it’s best to keep their screen time to one hour per day or less. When watching with your child, choose shows that are interactive, peaceful, educational, and positive.

  3. More than 5

    Older children and teens should balance screen time with other important activities. This includes one hour of physical activity, enough sleep (the amount needed depends on age), time for school, meals, hobbies, and family. If screen time takes away from these activities, it’s considered excessive and should be reduced.

What Are the Risks of Too Much Screen Time?

Excessive screen time in early childhood might lead to cognitive challenges later on. This happens because the developing brain is highly influenced by its environment, including screen exposure. When infants are exposed to screens, they’re forced to process information designed for more mature minds, which can disrupt the development of sensory pathways in the brain, leading to potential deficits later in childhood.

Although it’s difficult to directly link too much screen time to specific health issues due to various contributing factors, the risks associated with excessive screen exposure are still a concern.

  1. Weight Gain

    A 2017 study in the journal Paediatrics found that spending more time on screens is linked to a higher risk of obesity. This connection is thought to be due to habits like snacking while watching, seeing ads for unhealthy foods, and getting less sleep.

  2. Reduced Physical Activity

    Excessive screen time may also contribute to weight gain by reducing the time kids spend being physically active. A 2022 clinical trial published in JAMA Paediatrics found that limiting recreational screen use significantly increased children’s physical activity. Similarly, a 2014 study in the journal Obesity identified less TV time as a predictor of a lower body mass index (BMI).

  3. Sleep Deprivation

    Excessive screen time can significantly affect children’s sleep patterns. The blue light from digital devices disrupts melatonin production, making it harder for kids to fall asleep, especially if they use screens right before bedtime. Given that many children in India are already struggling with insufficient sleep, reducing screen time could be a key step in improving their rest.

  4. Physical Strain on Eyes and Body

    Long hours of screen exposure can lead to physical issues in children, particularly affecting their eyes. Extended screen time can cause eye strain, dryness, and even contribute to long-term vision problems like myopia. Additionally, the posture many kids adopt while using devices—hunched over screens—can lead to neck and shoulder pain, impacting their overall physical well-being.

  5. Violence

    Excessive exposure to violence in media can make children less sensitive to it. This can lead to children seeing violence as an acceptable way to handle problems.

  6. Impaired Academic Performance

    Excessive screen time, including TV and video games, can negatively affect children’s academic performance. A 2019 study in JAMA Paediatrics found that the more time adolescents spend watching TV and playing video games, the worse their grades tend to be.

    Even younger children are at risk. A PLOS One study showed that children as young as 5 who have more than two hours of daily screen time are more likely to experience inattention issues. This link was stronger than other factors like socioeconomic status, parental stress, and sleep.

  7. Loss of Cognitive Ability

    Excessive screen time can significantly impact children’s mental health. Prolonged use of screens can shrink the grey matter in the brain, which is crucial for cognitive functions, and disrupt the white matter that helps with communication within the brain. This can lead to problems like reduced concentration, weaker memory, slower information processing, and poor impulse control. These issues are particularly concerning for children, as their brains are still developing.

  8. Lower Self Esteem

    Spending too much time with screens can also hurt how kids feel about themselves. Instead of building friendships, finding hobbies, and having new experiences, they might be lost in the online world. This can make them feel less confident and unsure of who they are. When kids spend most of their time on social media, this problem gets worse because they might care more about their online image than their real life. Cyberbullying and self-esteem issues are especially scary for young people.

Tips For Reducing Screen Time

  1. Setting the Stage for Less Screen Time

    The first step to reducing excessive screen time for kids is to have open and honest conversations. Discuss the importance of balancing screen time with outdoor activities and other healthy habits. If your child is heavily reliant on screens, it might be challenging to adjust their routine.

    Instead of drastic changes, begin with smaller, more achievable goals. Gradually reduce screen time by an hour or so and gradually increase outdoor activities. Remember, kids have different interests at different ages, so involve them in the discussion. Explore new activities together at your local playground or park to make the transition enjoyable.

  2. Limit Screen Time, Prioritise Play

    Excessive screen time can significantly impact children’s development and well-being. It’s easy to get caught up in the convenience of digital entertainment, but it’s crucial to make time for real-world interactions and physical activities.

    Instead of spending evenings on the couch watching TV, try taking your kids outside for some fresh air and fun. Whether it’s playing tag in the park, riding bikes, or simply exploring nature, these activities can strengthen your bond with your children while helping their physical and mental health to get better.

  3. Avoid Keeping Screens In Your Child’s Room

    If your kids have TVs, tablets, or computers in their rooms, it can lead to a lot of problems. They might spend too much time alone with their devices instead of hanging out with family or friends. This can make it hard to keep track of how much time they’re spending on screens and can lead to bad habits like not wanting to go outside or talk to others.

    Using screens in their bedrooms can also cause sleep problems. If possible, try to keep electronic devices out of their rooms so they won’t be tempted to spend all their free time alone.

  4. Setting a Screen-Time Example for Your Kids

    Excessive screen time can be a challenge for many families. One useful strategy is to lead by example. If your children constantly see you glued to your phone or laptop, they’re less likely to understand the benefits of limiting their own screen time.

    By reducing your own screen usage and engaging in activities like going to the park with your kids, you’ll have the opportunity to spend quality time together and be fully present.

  5. Use Parental Controls

    Many parents struggle with the challenge of limiting their children’s excessive screen time. One approach is to provide gentle reminders, such as letting kids know when their screen time is nearing its end. However, if this doesn’t yield the desired results, consider using the various parental control features available on your devices. These tools allow you to automatically shut off screens after a specified duration.

    By implementing parental controls, you can reduce the stress of screen time battles and encourage your kids to explore other activities like reading or playing board games. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

How You Can Make Your Kids Screen Time Productive?

  1. Encourage Creative Learning

    Instead of just consuming content online, why not empower your child to become a digital creator? Activities like computer programming, 3D modelling, or digital animation are a great way to make screen time educational and fun. It can help them develop creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

  2. Watch Together, Learn Together

    When it comes to screen time for kids under 6, experts suggest watching content with them and talking about it. This helps them understand what they’re seeing and how it connects to their world.

    Even as your child grows older, watching together can be enjoyable and beneficial. For instance, when using Extramarks Learning App, many parents prefer getting involved in courses with their kids. It’s a great way to learn together and strengthen your bond.

  3. See How Your Kids Are Acting

    Pay close attention to how your kids behave after spending time on screens, whether it’s watching TV, playing video games, or using social media. If their behaviour is positive and they’re spending enough time doing other things, there’s no need to worry. But if you notice changes like mood swings or strange behaviour, it might be a good idea to adjust their screen time.

Closing Thoughts

While screens are an integral part of modern life, it’s crucial to manage their use thoughtfully. By setting clear guidelines and promoting a balanced lifestyle, parents can help avoid the negative effects of excessive screen time. Encouraging a mix of activities and maintaining open communication can ensure that digital experiences remain positive and beneficial for children.

Last Updated on October 14, 2024

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